Chapter 10

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Kamari P.O.V

Waking in the room I was led to yesterday after all that went down, I yawned and stretched feeling more awake.

I sat up in bed and then got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. And then I got dressed.

Today I was wearing black cargo pants, black t-shirt and white air forces.

Walking down the stairs to the kitchen I'm greeted by speakers and my friends dancing.

"Breakfast dance party!!" Axel shouts as soon as he sees me.

The following songs were played

S&M by Rihanna
Pon de replay by Rihanna
34 + 35 by Ariana Grande
Positions by Ariana Grande

Axel and Alayla were dancing like there was no tomorrow, but they were having fun.

That's all that mattered.

Having fun. Being together. Being accepting and loving of each other. Love comes in many forms as well as acceptance. Only a few people in the world can offer that to you in its fullest, if you let them. Family, Significant other(s) and friends. Trusted friends, who you would trust with your life, whether or not you had to.

The ones you trust to catch you when doing trust falls. Family is not always related by blood. As long as you know that you will succeed in life.

"Come on!!" I was pulled away from my inner speech when Alayla pulled me to dance with her, and we all danced, my parents and Lorenzo included.

These were the times I cherished most even though it might not show on my face. These were the times I think back to when things get hard.

These were the times.


I stood before the male warriors of the Regalis Silva pack. After the little dance party, my team decided I would train the male warriors, Alayla the women warriors, Mateo the women and kids that are not warriors and Axel the non warrior men.

"All of you, eyes on me before I count to three, if I see eyes missing I will cut your throat clean" I recited the little phrase I made up to get my teams attention, getting all eyes on me except one.

"Hey didn't you here what I said?" I questioned calmly to some guy who was glaring daggers at me.

"Who even are you, you don't get to come here and boss us around!" He shouted scaring everyone but me.

Who is this guy? Or more like who does he think he is?

I rolled my eyes intending on ignoring him for now and carrying on the training, but no.

I can't get anything that I want in life. It is simply illegal to give me a break!

Why I say this you might ask, well this is what happens next....

The guy who I'm gonna call shitface ran up to me attempting to punch me, but I caught his hand mid air. Now shitface has an appalled look like he excepted me to sit here and let him kick my ass.

"What's your name?"

"Why would I tell you that?" He says but cries out when I tighten my hand around his fist with a scoff.

"Because I asked shitface? Is that what you want me to call you?" I don't give him the chance to respond when I threw him into a tree 10 feet away.

Everyone winced as I say, "my bad, I thought you were stronger than that" making a fake pout.

The chosen one حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن