Best friend

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Robin, Nancy and Steve walked to his car. Nancy helped Robin into the back, she closed the door and sat next to Robin.

"So...", Steve started,"What exactly happened to your arm? I'm like 100% sure that you do not run into a fence. You are clumsy but not that clumsy. And Nancy already told me that you didn't run into a fence."

"I- Wh-", Robin started but got interrupted by Nancy looking at her with concern in her eyes.

"How about you let Robin get some sleep before we talk about that. It's late and we had a stressful day. Robin's tired I'm tired and I'm sure you are too. And I feel like it would be better if you two talked about this in private. But I can totally be there if you'd like that Robin?", Nancy said giving Robin a warm smile.

"I think I can tell Steve myself, thanks though.", Robin responded.

"Sure I'll drop you off at your place and I'll come back tomorrow noon. That okay?", Steve asked.

"Sounds good", Nancy said, intertwining their fingers.

Steve drops them off at their place and they head inside. Robin changed into one of Nancy's shirts. Over time she learned that not all of Nancy's clothes were uncomfortable. She actually has pretty comfy oversize shirts. The shirts comfort her, they smell like Nancy, they make her feel at home. Someone knocked at the bathroom door wich made Robin jump a little. Stressful situation make her more jumpy than normal. Actually since the whole Russian thing happened she's been more jumpy than before.

"Robin?", Nancy said softly," you good in there? It's awfully quiet. Too quiet."

"Yeah I'm fine", Robin answered, opening the door," I was just thinking about something."

"About what?"

"About you.", she said smiling.

"Is that so?", Nancy teases.


Robin whispers leaning in, closing the distance between them. Nancy kisses her back before pulling away.

"Hey I wasn't done kissing you", Robin grumbles.

"You can kiss me as long as you want tomorrow. It's really late you look like you're gonna faint again and I'm tired as fuck. Come on let's go to bed before I fall asleep and fall into you.", the brunette smiles.


Robin woke up to an empty bed. She turned around but couldn't find Nancy. Nancy's side of the bed was still warm so she must have gotten up not too long ago. She got up and out of bed. The moment she stood up pain shot through her head. The hospital lights and all of the stress caused her a headache. It didn't really bother her, she walked down stairs and straight to the box with painkillers.

"Head ache?", a voice asked behind her.

"Mhm", Robin groaned.

"Wait, wait! No Tylenol. That shits really dangerous. My mom had to take that every day after she got into an accident and ended up addicted. We don't want that or at least I don't want that Robin. Here Ibuprofen is better. It's probably addictive too but not as much as Tylenol ", Nancy stated, taking the pills out of her hand and putting it back into the box, giving her the Ibuprofen.

"YOUR mom was addicted to pills?!?"

"Yes but she's clean now."

"When was your mom in an accident?"

"I think that was before Mike was even born. I can barely remember it. She was driving on the highway and some druggie drove into her. The car flipped over once and my moms legs got crushed. Luckily she didn't have any long lasting damage. But she had to take painkillers cause her legs were literally minced meat"

"Oh damn, well good thing she survived", Robin said, taking the pill.

"Yeah, Steve's probably gonna come over soon so I'll just change real quick. You'll be fine?", Nancy asked.

"Yeah don't worry I won't kill myself"

"Okay that was absolutely not funny Robin!", the brunette exclaimed, hitting Robin on the shoulder.

"Hey! I am funny!"

"No", she simply said walking away.

Just as Nancy left Steve turned into their driveway. Robin opened the door before Steve even got a chance to ring the bell.

"Hey Robbyyyy", Steve greats throwing his hands around her.

"Hey Steve", Robin giggles hugging steve back.

"Come in"

Steve takes of his shoes and enters the home. Nancy came down the stairs and greets Steve too, but goes into the kitchen to give them privacy.

"Now, what happened exactly?", Steve asked patting the spot next to him on the couch.

"Well, after the fight with my parents I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know how to cope so I... I hurt myself. It's stupid and really really selfish of me and I know I could have killed my self but I didn't care. I don't know what I had done until I saw  the extend of the damage. That's why I fainted. It felt like it wasn't even me doing that, like I was just on stand by." Robin explained, tears welling up.

"It's not stupid Robin. Your parents are assholes and you did absolutely nothing wrong. You just wanna love your life. I get that. And I'm really glad you trust me enough to tell me this. I know it's not easy talking about feelings and all that cheesy crap. I care for you so much Robin, you're my best friend and I want you to be happy. I'm happy that you're with Nancy but if you feel like hurting yourself again please tell Nancy or me.", Steve cued, hugging Robin.

"I will", Robin simply said leaning into Steve.

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