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Robin and Steve finished their little chat and went back into the kitchen where Nancy was leaning against the sink awkwardly. She spun around and started doing something Robin couldn't see. The room was excruciatingly quiet so Steve started speaking.

"Soooo, are you guys coming back to school or what?", he asked.

"Yeah. I was planning on going after this weekend. I mean if nothing gets in our way.", Nancy mumbled.

"That's fine with me.", the blonde replied.

"Did you need something specific Steve?", the smaller girl questioned.

"Nope, just wanted to check on you guys.", Steve replied.

"Okay...", Nancy started but got cut off by Steve.

" Yeah, yeah, I get it I'm leaving. It's obvious I interrupted something, bye.", the boy hustled, already speed-walking to the door.

"Wha- Wait- It wasn't meant like that!", the brunette tried shouting after him.

Steve was already out the door and in his car. Robin just stood there taken aback by Steves sudden retreat. They were alone again and tension started to build up rapidly.

"I-", both girls started at the same time. They laughed to dissolve some of the tension. 

"You can start.", Nancy said still smiling.

"Ho- Wh- I-", Robin took a deep breath and continued," I don't regret what happened, just to make that clear. And I wanted to ask I we are a thing now... You don't have to answer that right now and I don't want to force you into anything. I really like you though."

"Breath Rob. It's okay. You're not forcing me, don't worry. I'd love to be your girlfriend, if you want that. And I really like you too.", the older girl affirmed smiling even wider.

"Can I kiss you again?", Robin whispered.

"Why are you asking, Robin? I'm yours now.", the older girl replied sheepishly.

 Robins face flushed bright red and Nancy loved it. The blonde leaned in and kissed Nancys overly soft lips. The blondes hands wandered up Nancys back and rested on her neck while Nancys hands stopped on Robins hips. Never in Robins life has she felt so loved and cared for as in this moment. She couldn't believe that Nancy was her girlfriend, only hers. They kissed until they lost their breath. When they parted again both their hearts were beating rapidly and their faces were intensely red. The older girls eyes were so full of love, Robin wanted to melt on the spot. Both their lips were still parted so Nancy leaned back in. This time the kiss was a bit faster since Nancy started to take over. It was Robins third kiss after all. Their little kiss turned into a 30 minute make out session as they lost track of time.

" It's getting late Robs, we need to make something to eat. I'm getting hungry.", Nancy murmured.

"Sure.", Robin muttered back, kissing Nancys nose one last time. They decided on making pizza.

"YOU LIKE OLIVES?!", Robin half screamed.

"They are what make PIZZA, PIZZA!", Nancy giggled back.

"How dare you, Nancy Wheeler, pollute a perfect, yummy, tasty pizza with fucking OLIVES! GOD DAMN OLIVES NANCY, WHY OLIVES!?", the younger girl insists offended.

"Your a dufus!", the brunette burst into laughter.

"Don't you dare put that dogshit on my half!", Robin vocalized, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

Nancy pretended to spill the whole olive jar onto the whole pizza. The blonde jumped up and tore the jar out of Nancys hands. She nearly fell into the fridge but the older girl was able to catch her in time.

"I hate you.",  Robin growled, feeling betrayed.

"We both know you don't mean that", the brunette snickered.

"Is that so?", the younger girl teased.

"Shut up, and help me make this pizza.", Nancy answered, slapping Robins arm.

The older girl watched Robin roll out the dough carefully. She got lost in her ice blue eyes. Nancy has never felt this intense love with anyone before. She always thought she had to like Steve or Jonathan but in reality it never felt..... Right. The older girl never actually loved Steve, she just liked the idea of it. And then Jonathan came along and she thought it goes without saying that she likes him. Robin is completely different then any boy she has ever dated. The blonde is so generous and careful, she gets treated like she might break. The way she kisses her, the way she touches it's just heavenly. She really is in love with her.

Robin went into the bathroom to change into her PJs. After brushing her teeth and changing she had to change the bandage around her arm. It didn't hurt anymore thus she thought it was almost fully healed. She was taken aback by the still very obvious cut on her arm. The cut wasn't infected or anything but the realization kicked in. The realization of the extend of damage that she had done. The girl knew that she had gone too far but this, this wasn't what she expected. Suddenly the room started to spin rapidly. She could hear her heart beating in her chest and the blood rushing out of her head. Robin tried to sit down on the bathtub edge but failed miserably. Her head hit the edge instead and she fell on the floor with a loud thud. Nancy rushed up from her seat and ran to the bathroom door.

"Robin? ROBIN!?", Nancy could feel a cold shiver go down her spine,"ROBIN, COME ON OPEN THE DOOR; PLEASE! ROBIN!!!" 

We all love cliffhanger, don't we. I'm sorry for not being able to write last month. I had lots of exams and shit. BUT I will be able to write more now. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!

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