The babysitter

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TW: LGBT+ slurs (for the plot, I'm part of the LGBT+ community and do not tolerate them.)

They walked inside so Robin could close the door. The apartment still smelled like fresh paint and tools were scattered everywhere.

"This is really nice guys. You built everything up in just one week?!", Steve asked surprised.

"Yup, Nancy did it all herself. Pretty impressive huh.", Robin bragged.

"Shut up, Buckley.", Nancy giggled.

Steve felt that something was going on between the two of them. He'd be happy if Robin finally found someone who likes her back. The boy's not oblivious, he saw it with Jonathan and now with Robin. Even if it is his ex Robin's with, he wants the best for her.

"Steve, could you stay here while I go and get Robins cloths from her house. I don't want her going near her parents so I'll just go and get them real quick.", the older girl stated.

"I'm still here and listening!", the blonde whined.

"I'll stay with her, don't worry. I'm a certified babysitter you know.", the boy joked.

"I'M STILL HERE!", Robin shouted annoyed.

"I can see that, but you need a babysitter Robbie", Steve teased.

In exchange Robin slapped him.

"Don't kill each other, bye.", Nancy shouted from the door.

"You're such a dingus.", Robin implied.

"You are the dingus, Nancy thinks you need a babysitter.", the brunet claimed.

"You're an asshole.", the younger girl complained.

"Robin, do you want to tell me something?", Steve asked carefully.

"What?", Robin said confused.

"I'm not oblivious Buckley, I can see that there's something going on between you and Wheeler.", the boy explained sitting on the new sofa.

"I- No- We-  Yes Steve I'm sorry, but I like her and I didn't know how to tell you, because you are her ex. I'm your best friend and that would break the bro-code. M' sorry.", the younger girl uttered apologetically.

"No Robin, that doesn't matter okay? I can see she cares for you a lot and you like her. You two have chemistry. Have you seen the way she looks at you?", Steve insisted leaning into Robins side.

"Really?", Robin questioned.

"Yeah Robin. I really love you.", the boy confessed.

"I love you too, doofus.", Robin replied hugging Steve.

Meanwhile Nancy had a really bad feeling about going to the Buckley residence. From what she saw Mr. and Mrs. Buckley seem like dicks. She hoped they weren't home, but when she arrived the car was still in the driveway. The window to Robins room was open so she ran around the house and tried not to get caught. It wasn't too high up for Nancy to climb. She took the odds and jumped up. The girl managed to grab the windowsill and pulled herself up. Robins room looked untouched, messy as always. But not the messy kind of messy, the orderly kind. When Nancy  walked towards the closet she started hearing voices.

"Richard if that little bitch doesn't come back tonight I'll disown her!", Melissa shouted.

"I don't care what you do with her. As long as she is not one of those queers or in some kind of gang I really do not care.", Richard answered uninterested.

Nancy could have killed him then and there when she heard that. She really hated those people.

"Haven't you heard the rumors? She is one of those dykes! She just fucks that Harrington guy to get popular. A DISGRACE IS WHAT SHE IS!", Melissa growled back.

"What?! I've never heard this rumor. Are you sure?", Richard asked, fury building.

"YES!!", Melissa screamed

"That shit doesn't deserve to live Melissa! We will disown her. She never was, nor will she be our child, she doesn't deserve anything. Why did we keep her? I hate that bitch!", Richard yelled

Something snapped in Nancy and she was about to storm out of the room and tell them how wrong they are and how sweet Robin is. But half way to the door she stopped herself. She didn't want to cause more fuss. How are people like this even allowed to have children?! Walking back to the closet Nancy noticed something. There was still a bit Blood on the carpet. When she saw the stain she got extremely worried. Why was there so much blood on the carpet? A very faint blood trail lead her to Robins bathroom. She walked up to the sink and opened the drawer. Lots of hygiene products and first aid articles were the only thing she could find. The girl walked back into the room. Something was very wrong, she could feel it. Looking through others stuff without permission was a no go, she knew that but she needed to help Robin. When she opened the first drawer of Robins night stand her heart almost stopped. A box full of razor blades came to light. Oh Robin, what did you do? Now Nancy got really worried, that was too much blood. How could she cut that deep? Nancy opened the closet and stuffed all her clothes in a sack as fast as she possibly could. She jumped out of the window and ran to her car. Never in her life has Nancy driven this fast.

Driving past the speed limit didn't work for long because a cop stopped her. Thank god it was Hopper.

"Kid, why the hell are you driving this fuckin' fast?", Hopper asked.

"I'm so sorry Hopper, but something really bad just happened and I need to go somewhere.", Nancy replied jittery.

"Wait, it's not the "You know" thing, right?", Hopper questioned sounding worried.

"What, no, it's not that. It's important though, please let me go.", the brunette pleaded.

"Okay but at least try to not get caught.", the cop answered annoyed.

"Thank you so much, that means a lot.", Nancy said, speeding away again.

The girl practically jumped back out of the car and ran to the door. Her hands were shacking so badly she nearly couldn't stick the key in the keyhole. When she finally managed to open the door she saw Steve and Robin cuddled up on the couch watching trash TV. Immediately after seeing an Okay Robin she relaxed.

"Oh, hey Nance. How did it go?", the blonde asked.

"Uh yeah. It went okay.", Nancy responded still a bit tense from what she just witnessed.

"What's wrong?", Robin asked starting to get concerned.

"Well, your parents were home...", the smaller girl explained.

"Did they see you? Did they hurt you!?", Robin panicked.

"No they didn't, but I sort of overheard a conversation about you.", Nancy whispered not wanting to hurt Robin more.

"Let me guess. I am a piece of shit, I don't deserve to live and I'm a disgrace?", the younger girl questioned.

"They found out and, and, and....... they want to give up custody. I'm really sorry Robin...", the older girl said already feeling the guilt bubbling up.

"I expected something like that.", Robin alleged.

 She felt numb again. Shit! Not here, not now. Nancy sat next to Robin so she was in the middle.

"I hate those people!", Steve blurted out.

"Same", Nancy added, hugging Robin.

The brunette decided it was best not to bring the blood and the blade up today. Robin had to deal with enough shit. She just had to look out for Robin and make her feel like she can be trusted.


My blood, not yours (Ronance)Where stories live. Discover now