Confessions & Movies

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Robin woke up still curled into Nancy, like always. She's still not used to it and blushes every morning. They both have no idea how they end up like this, it just happens.

"Morning Robbie, how'd you sleep?", Nancy whispered sleepily.

"Fine.", Robin answered groggily, "I haven't had any nightmares since we moved together."

"That's great. Me neither.", the older girl mumbled.

"Magic.", the taller girl chuckled.

"Right.", the brunette smiled back.", I'll go and make us breakfast."

"Thanks Nance.", Robin replied.

"Of course.", the smaller said, getting out of bed.

Robin got out of bed a few minutes after Nancy did. She went to the bathroom to get ready like everyday. Neither one of them had been in school since the incident. They had to go as soon as Robins face looked normal again or they won't graduate. Ending up like Eddie wasn't Robins plan and she probably missed lots of important tests. Her face was still bruised a bit but it wasn't as bad anymore.

 Nancy seemed off since she was at Robins house. What if she found or saw something suspicious. What if she would think different of Robin if she found out that she hurts herself.

"Stop overthinking everything", Robin thought.

After Robin got ready she walked into the kitchen. Nancy was already done toasting the Eggos. She helped set up the table and sat down with her.

"Robin, can we talk about something?",Nancy started."When I was at your house I saw something. I know you probably don't want to talk about it right now, but I want you to know that you can trust me with anything. I promised I would never judge you and I meant it. When I walked towards you're bed there was a blood stain on the floor that led to your bathroom. I didn't see anything in your bathroom so I went back to the bed. I'm sorry for snooping around your stuff. I opened the drawer and found the blades. You don't need to talk to me about it, I'm just worried about you, Robin."

Robin felt like someone was strangling her, like there was a Demo-Dog in her stomach trying to free himself. She rolled her sleeve up without thinking so Nancy could see the bandage. Nancys eyes widen when she saw how much of her forearm was covered in gauze.

"Wha- When did you do this?", Nancy asked very carefully.

"Before school. After my mom happened.", Robin started tearing up.

"It's okay Robin. We'll figure this out, I promise.", the older girl explained, caressing Robin.

"I want to stop. I really do.", the taller girl cried.

Robin cried in Nancys arms for a while, before the brunette started to talk again.

"Do you know why you do it?" the older girl questioned quietly.

"I feel nothing. It's like I can't feel anything ever again. Feeling pain is better then feeling nothing.", Robin whispered back.

"Okay, makes sense.", Nancy murmured.

"Really?", the blonde asked.

"Yeah, I mean we've gone through hell and back. It makes total sense. And your parents are dicks.", the older girl insisted.

If only Nancy knew what happened in the Russian base... But she's definitely not ready to talk about that.

"Thank you Nancy.", Robin responded.

"Can I see? Just want to make sure it's not infected.", the smaller girl mentioned.

Robin nodded and started to unwrap the gauze. Nancy gasped when she saw the extend of the wound. It was deeper and bigger then she thought it would be. She held the other girls forearm carefully so she could inspect it nearer.

"Robin... This should have gotten stitches or at least medical attention. If  you would have cut too deep it could have ended differently. Come on we'll take proper care of this.", Nancy said walking into the bathroom.

She came back with a roll of new gauze and the antibacterial ointment.

"This might hurt a bit.", the brunette noted.

Robin nodded while squeezing her eyes shut. When the ointment touched her skin she whimpered.

"Sorry Robbie, but this is going to get infected if we don't do anything.", Nancy soothed the younger girl."

"I know.", Robin whimpered.

New gauze was wrapped around her forearm by Nancy. How did she deserve this. The most wonderful,beautiful,brave and smart woman on this planet was her best friend. And crush, but she suppressed that thought immediately.

"There we go, as good as new.", the older girl smiled.

"Thanks again for everything.", the taller girl insisted, smiling sadly.

"Does Steve know?", Nancy asked.

"No... You're the first person who I told.", the blonde admitted.

"I'm happy you told me and I'm so, so proud of you.", the brunette disclosed.

Robin blushed. When Nancy hugged her the blush only grew. It spread from the tip of her ears all the way down her neck.

"The next time you feel like you have to do "it" please tell me. Maybe I can help.", Nancy said softly.

"I'll try, I promise.", Robin answered.

That evening they decided to have a movie night with all the lil' nuggets, Eddie and Steve. The first guests to arrive were Eddie and Steve. Robin had to cover the bruises with a bit of concealer but that didn't bother her.

"Buckley, Wheeler, haven't seen you two in a while. Finally in a rebellious phase are we Wheeler?", Eddie said.

"Shut up.", Steve implied.

Eddie and Steve went over to the couch and sat down. The doorbell rang again and all the lil' nuggets ran into the new apartment. Dustin jumped onto Steve which made him yelp.

"Nancy, have them back home by 10:30 okay sweety?", Mrs. Wheeler shouted from outside.

"Yeah, mom.", Nancy shouted back.

When Mrs. Wheeler left they all sat down on and around the couch to chose a movie. Steve brought some from Family Video.

"We have Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, Alien and The Shining. Which one are we watching now?", Steve inquired annoyed.

"I don't care.", Max and El said at the same time.

Robin could see both of them blushing. Aren't Mike and El dating, the same with Lucas and Max? Maybe she's just imagining things.

"I like The Exorcist.", Lucas admits.

"Me too.", Mike mumbled.

"Okay, we're watching Exorcist then.", Robin answered.

"Fine.", everyone agreed.

Whilst Steve put the tap in everyone sat down. Max and El sat on the floor. Eddie sat on the couch with Robin, Nancy, Mike, Will, Dustin and Erica. When Steve was finished putting the tape in the recorder he sat next to Eddie. 30 minutes into the movie a jump scare was right ahead. Robin had seen the movie before, so she could predict it. Nancy didn't know. She jumped and grabbed Robins hand out of reflex. Now Nancy was the one who blushed but she didn't move her hand back. The blonde intertwined their fingers completely when she was sure Nancy wasn't uncomfortable. She didn't pull her eyes off the screen. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Nancy smile a bit, butterflies filled her stomach. Never has she had feelings this strong for someone. Finally she let her thoughts win. Robin had a crush on Nancy Wheeler, no Robin loved Nancy Wheeler.



My blood, not yours (Ronance)Where stories live. Discover now