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"Are you wearing my hoodie?", Nancy said, smiling.

"Huh? No- Oh didn't see what I was taking.", the blond explained embarrassed.

"No, it's cool, it looks way better on you anyways.", the older girl answered.

Her face flushed again but luckily Nancy turned back around before she could notice. Nancy made bacon and eggs. Robin sat down and waited for Nancy to finish roasting the eggs.

"You wanna talk 'bout it now?", Nancy asked stirring the scrambled eggs in the pan.

"I'll try...", Robin sighed.

"I still have nightmares and I've been dealing with this shit for three and a half  years. Sometimes I just feel like I'm overreacting, because I survived every time and some didn't. I kinda know how you feel, we all do. That's the good thing about this friend group, we understand each other.", the smaller girl confessed.

"I-I was back in the Russian base but without Steve this time. The Solider was there too. The one that tortured us-", the younger girl got cut of by Nancy.

"Wait- When... They tortured you?!", Nancy responded letting the spoon fall to the ground. It clattered on the counter top.

"Yeah...", Robin started, "I thought Steve told you why his face was all beat up."

"No, he said he fought a Russian. So I assumed he just lost another fight.", the older girl affirmed.

"Oh, well, yeah, they kinda tortured us.", Robin replied.

"You don't have to talk about it right now Robin. It's clearly hard for you, just continue talking about the dream.", Nancy cued.

"Thanks, I didn't really talk to anyone about it. Not even Steve.", the younger girl stated, feeling a bit guilty.

"It's okay Robin.", the smaller girl insisted. She spun back around, picked up the spoon and continued to roast the eggs.

"So the solider was there too and he said if I didn't keep quiet he... he'll kill all of you. And then he dragged you in and you... you were all beat up and he said it was all my fault and that it always will be mine. Before he could slap me I woke up.", Robin stated.

"It wasn't your fault Robin. The Russians are at fault, not you or Steve. And I won't go anywhere. I have my guns and I can defend myself, don't worry.", the brunette assured.

"Thanks Nance.", Robin whispered.

Nancy walked over with the food and set it on the table. She walked over to Robin and hugged her.

"You can always talk to be Robs, you know I would never judge you.", Nancy reassured her.

"Thanks Nance.", the blonde uttered.

"Always.", Nancy whispered into Robins ear. Robin shivered and her whole body broke out into goose bumps. The older girl smirked and walked over to her seat.

When they finished eating Robin started doing the dishes. Her arm was healing pretty fast, thus a bit water won't hurt, she thought.

"Robin.... Can we... can we talk?", Nancy asked stumbling over her words.

"Yup, what's up?", the blonde replied.

"You know, how... how I said I wouldn't judge you for being gay?", the brunette began.

"What?", Robin started to panic. Was Nancy homophobic after all?!

"Wha- NO,no, don't worry, I'm still NOT homophobic and never will be!", Nancy reassured.

"God Nancy, never scare me like that ever again. I had doubts for a moment.", the taller girl said.

"Sorry, anyways, maybe.... maybe I'm...I... I think I'm Bi...", Nancy explained whispering the last bit.


"Well, people can change, right?", the older girl laughed.

"I'm proud of you and I mean it. It was so hard for me to come out to you and Steve and you weren't on drugs or literally dying inside.", Robin smiled.

Nancy looked into Robins eyes sternly. They continued just staring until Robin started talking again.

"Please tell me I'm not reading this completely wrong. You know how bad I am at reading body language and shit.", the taller girl whispered.

"Your not.", she whispered back.

Nancy leaned forward a bit to assure that Robin was comfortable with this situation before actually leaning in and kissing her. The kiss was too short for Robins liking. Nancy wasn't sure if Robin was completely comfortable with it so she pulled away.

"I- Robin I'm so sorry I-", Nancy was interrupted by soft lips on hers. The younger girl leaned against the sink and deepened the kiss. This time the kiss was longer and more passionate.

"Wow...", Robin said softly

"Wow.", Nancy replied quietly.

"You know, I wanted to do this for a really long time.", the blonde stated.

"Me too.", she answered.

"Since when did you know you liked girls?", the taller girl asked.

"Since we were at the asylum. But back then I didn't really understand what I was feeling and things with Jonathan were really complicated...", the brunette claimed.

"Makes sense. Wait, does that mean I was your gay awakening?!", Robin teased.

"Kinda...", the older girl revealed shyly.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Robin jumped. She hesitated, but ran to the door anyways and opened it.

"Steve, hi.", the younger girl said awkwardly.

"Hi? Can I come in?", Steve asked frowning in confusion.

"Yeah... sure, come in.", she muttered.

"Hello Nancy.", he greeted.

"Hi.", Nancy responded weirdly.

"Okay, Robin can we talk for a moment?", the boy requested.

"Uh, yeah, sure, absolutely, yup.", the blonde huffed.

"Right...", Steve uttered confused.

They walked into the bed room and closed the door.

"Robin, what the actual fuck is happening right now?", he inquired.

"Nothing, everything's super duper fine. Completely normal.",Robin stumbled over her words.

"Robin!?", the brunet demanded.

"I'm sorry, I kissed Nancy and she kissed me back and I can't process this right now and then you rang the doorbell and now everything is super awkward.", she rambled.

"Okay, are we happy 'bout it?", Steve asked.

"YEAH, I kissed Nancy freakin' Wheeler or rather Nancy kissed me first!", the girl almost shouted.

"I'm happy for you!" This is awesome, finally someone who liked you back. I told you it always works out in the end didn't I?"he insisted smiling.

"Sure Dingus.", Robin said, rolling her eyes playfully.

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