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Robin took the keys from Nancy and pushed herself up from the ground. She hadn't noticed that she had a throbbing headache until she was standing upright. The taller girl started to tumble and Nancy had to catch her again.

"Wow, Robin easy. If you get up to fast you'll fall again.", Nancy pleaded.

" Right sorry. I forgot I was beat up.", Robin mumbled shakily. Her arm was stinging like hell but she ignored it.

"Try and hide your face under your hood, I'll support your weight so you don't fall again.", the smaller girl insisted, sliding a hand around Robins waist. The gesture made Robin blush yet the hood hid her face pretty well.

"Nance you have class, I could just wait in the car until school's over. You'll have to catch up on all the stuff you miss. I really don't mind waiting in the car.", the younger girl replied, already half way there.

"Stop talking shit. I'd miss the whole year if it was for your safety. You literally just got beat up, I will not leave you, Rob.", the older girl determined. The curly haired girl helped Robin climb into the passenger seat and sat next to her.

"Did you tell Steve?", Nancy asked softly.

"No... He did ask if something was wrong though. I just told him I wear Make-Up now.", the blonde said sighing.

"How long has this been going on for? I mean the beating thing.", the brunette questioned.

"I...", Robin starts almost tearing up again," Since I was 14, I think. But back then she just slapped me or pinched me. Now she does this and my dad doesn't even move a mussel.", the younger girl hiccuped. Nancys heart shattered into many little peaces. She has never felt like this since Bard, never had so much rage in herself for something someone had done to a friend of hers. Once someone was bullying Bard really badly and Nancy got so furious she smacked the kid in the face. Robin is special, Nancy knows that, she just doesn't know how special yet. The older girl never had feelings for a girl before and doesn't know how to except this new... thing. And even if she had feelings for Robin, Robin is definitely not gay.

"You're not going back there you here me? You'll live with me, I won't let them hurt you again!", Nancy announced, hugging Robin over the middle console.

They stayed like this until Nancy started driving them to the apartment. Hugs always meant a lot to Robin since she didn't get that kind of affection from her parents. She was so grateful to have Nancy right now. Robin just didn't know how to tell Nancy everything that happened. The girl knows Nancy just wants to help but what if she's homophobic or if she finds Robin wrong for hurting herself and sends her to Pennhurst. And then there's the Russian thing, which she couldn't even tell Steve properly after he saw what they had done to her. He asked a lot of questions after, but she didn't tell him the worst parts until now.

"Thanks for... everything Nance, you have no idea how much this means to me.", Robin confessed, overwhelmed by happiness.

"No problem, Robs", the the brunette replied, getting out of the car and helping the other girl walk to the front door of the apartment. The apartment was on the first floor so they didn't have to walk many stairs. Robins forearm hurt when something touched it and the railing consistently rubbed against it. Thankfully Nancy didn't notice and just continued helping her up the stair. The front door was an inviting dark blue and the walls were white. Nancy opened the door and they walked in together. There was a living room connected to the kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a storage room. It was bigger then Robin expected but there was no furniture there yet. A few boxes already stood in the living room and a chair was placed next to the wall.

"Sit on the chair. You need anything?", the curly haired girl said, walking to the boxes.

"I don't need anything right now, thanks.", Robin replied sitting down.

Nancy walked over to the storage room and took out a tool case. Then she opened one of the boxes with scissors. Inside of the boxed were wooden pieces.

"This is the bed. I'm sorry but there is only one king sized bed. I didn't expect someone to be living with me so I just ordered one. And do NOT tell me that you will just sleep on the floor because that would be really shitty of me to let a beat up girl sleep on the floor. We can sleep on the bed together or I'll sleep on the floor. No excuses.", the older girl demanded.

"Nancy.... I told you I didn't want to be a burden.", the younger girl whined.

" You will sleep in the bed Buckley. I said NO excuses. And for the record, you're not a burden.", Nancy ordered still speaking low so Robins head ache wouldn't get worse.

Nancy started picking up boxes and carried them into the bedroom. Robin heard wood clatter on the floor. The older girl came back with a pair of noise cancelling earphones.

"Wear these, I'll have to hammer stuff together. It might hurt your head more and I don't want to cause more damage.",the brunette offered nicely.

"Thanks Nance.", Robin replied.

Robin could hear Nancy hammering things together in the other room but it was very quiet. She loved Nancy for being so thoughtful, caring and nice. Maybe she could come out to her, they have to share a bed after all. It would just be fair for Nancy to know who she's moving in with. But what if she's homophobic after everything? No, she has to tell her, she just has to.

"Robiiiiiiiiiin, the bed is set up. You should lay down a bit.", Robin heard Nancy shout. The bed was set up surprisingly fast.

"COMING", the taller girl shouted back.

"Oh, wow, the bed is pretty big.", the blonde said.

"I know right? I put some of my pajama pants out for you to wear so you don't have to sleep in jeans. They should fit.", the smaller girl responded, going out of the room to give Robin some privacy. Thankfully Robin didn't have to wear a t-shirt. Nancy would see the bandage on her arm. She changed and laid in the bed. The covers were freshly washed and really soft just like the dark blue pillowcases.

After a bit Nancy came back with a glass of water and Tylenol.

"Robin I brought you some water and painkillers for the head ache.", Nancy whispered.

"Thanks", Robin mumbled back.

Before Nancy could leave Robin grabbed her hand and started talking.

"Nance, I need to tell you something.", the younger girl started.

"You can tell me everything Robs.", the brunette soothed Robin. She sat on the edge of the bed so she could be near Robin. It seemed like something really bothered Robin.

"You know how I never had a boyfriend before and why I won't date Steve? Well, there's a reason why. Before I move in with you I think it's just fair that you should know this. I...I don't like boys. I can't love them because I like Girls Nance. I love girls. You can scream at me now or be disgusted or just throw me out right away. And you don't have to pretend like you don't care because I will leave if it makes you uncomfortable. You don't have to share a bed with me nor do you have to share an apartment with me. I-", Robin's ramble was interrupted by Nancy hugging her.

"Robin, I could never, ever hate someone, especially you, for being gay. And I still don't mind sleeping in one bed with you. I couldn't even hate you if I wanted to.", Nancy reassured the younger girl in her arms.

"Really? Are you like 100% sure?", Robin weeped in Nancys arms.

"Yes Robin, I could never.", the older girl insisted caressing Robin.

It was like a huge weight was lifted off of Robins
shoulders that she'd been carrying for years. Nancy laid next to her on the bed and soothed Robin until she was asleep. The smaller girl was proud of Robin for trusting her with this secret.

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