Chapter fifty-six

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My head would not stop throbbing and I was having a hard time focusing. The bed was empty and Paisley's scent was not strong here.

My heart clenched when I considered the possibility that she could be gone. She wouldn't do that. The last four days had been perfect for us.

But you kept reminding her that you cannot be together. My wolf whispered in my ear.

I grunted. It was the honest truth. So many times I had come close to marking her in the past few days but I fought the urge each time.

It was against custom to mark her outside the mating ritual and we would never get to that if the blood bond is not completed.

I wasn't expecting to see her here when I came out here. With the mating season so close, my wolf was restless and it just wanted to rut. I didn't want to get into a sticky situation by accidentally fucking any of the inmates women in the pack that was why I decided to come out to the cabin. Seeing her here was enough to send my wolf crazy. I tried to fight it but i just couldn't.

I rolled out of bed and sent a quick text to Garret to pick me up. I felt lightheaded and I didn't want to run through the forest.

"Paisley" I called out but there was no response. I also couldn't hear any sound coming from within the cabin or any close distance.

I noticed the unfinished glass of fruit drink she made for me sitting on the table. I remembered taking a few sips and teasing her but that was were my memory ended. Every other thing until now was a blur.

I received a response from Garret that he was on his way. I picked the glass on the counter and sniffed it. It smelled strongly of drugs.

I wondered if it was in there when I drank it or after. But what purpose would it serve after I've finished drinking it.

Paisley drugged me. She was insisting I drank the fruit mic yesterday and literally forced the drink into my mouth. I let my guard down and she drugged me.

That could only mean one thing. She was gone.

The car arrived shortly and I went outside. It was night time already and I wondered if I had been asleep for more than a day. Where did she get such strong pills? I got in quickly and he started the car.

"To the human town" I instructed. I wanted to see her and know why she drugged me.

"I don't think you should" he said and it irritated my wolf and I. Who the fuck did he think he was to give me instructions.

"Drive me to the human town" instead of listening, he stopped the car and I growled at him.

"Just wait a minute" he reached into his pocket and brought out an unopened letter.

"She asked me to give this to you" so he had seen her today. Did she seek him out?


"Earlier today" he looked like he wanted to say something but hit his tongue.

I was already furious and his attitude was pissing me off.

"Tell me what I need to know Garret" I commanded in my alpha voice and he growled.

"She sent me a text with your phone to pick her up. I didn't know it was her until I got here and then she asked me to take her to the house. She gave me the note before I dropped her off at the human town"

I growled and opened the letter.

By the time you'll get this letter, I'll be gone. I'm sorry for drugging you and I hope you forgive me. For that and for everything. It's sad that we can't truly be together and I also with that would change but I know it's not. I've decided to start over again. Even though it'll be the most difficult thing I will ever do, I'm going to make sure that I move on. I know you will too. I'm leaving the town to somewhere far away. Please don't search for me. We cannot move on if that happens. I wish you the best and I love you so much.

Love and kisses


She drew a small heart just beside her name. My wolf went silent. I read the paper over and over again and my anger grew each time.

"To the human town" I commanded again.

This time, he didn't argue and simply did exactly as I said.

He took me straight to where he dropped her off. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I rung the doorbell, still no response. I listened for any sound that would tell me people were inside but I didn't hear anything.

My heart was pounding in my chest. This couldn't be real. She didn't go. She didn't leave me.

But you had her and you met her slip through our fingers. My wolf said angrily.

There was nothing I could do.

You should have fought harder. He went silent again.

We arrived at her parents house and they were supposed to see me again.

"Paisley. Where is Paisley?" I asked immediately.

They looked confused at each other.

"W-We haven't seen Paisley for almost a week"

My heart constricted. They didn't know where she was either. I called her phone severally but it wasn't connecting.

"Leave Paisley alone" a scrawny looking boy said from behind them and I growled at him.

Fear covered their faces and they stepped back. Garret tried to hold me but I pushed him off.

"Where is she?" He obviously knew something the others didn't.

"Gone. Far away from you. All of you"

"Coulter. You've known where she was all this while?"

"No. I only found out today but she's gone now. Away from you and it's best you leave her alone. She has gone through so much in the last month and she needs peace" he shouted angrily. It was clear he loves his sister so much but I needed to know her location.

"Tell me where she is" I just wanted to speak to her. I needed to.


"Tell me" I growled baring my canines at him.

"Brayan" Garret pulled me back. I realized I was scaring them.

"Let's go" he said calmly. With one last look at them, I followed him into the car. The family kept looking at us until we were out of sight.

My eyes tightened as tears threatened to spill.

I was a fool and I just lost the woman I loved so much.

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