Chapter fifty-three

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My clothes were dripping wet by the time I swam across the river and to the other side. I dragged myself to the cabin and removed my wet clothes.

The cabin was silent and a bit disarranged. I wondered if anyone has been here since the third ritual.

I found a comfy woolen sweater and quickly pulled it over my head. This was a comfortable hideaway until I was ready to go back to our town as king as no one from the beast town came in this direction.

I was getting comfortable in the big bed that has so much memories when I heard the floorboard creak. I sat up in alert. Someone was in the cabin with me.

I climbed down from the bed and reached for the lamp stand. The bedroom door opened and Brayan was standing at the door with a confused look.


"You're here" I said stupidly. I don't expect to run into him here because what are the chances that we would both see each other here today.

"You shouldn't be here" he groaned and my heart clenched.

Right. I shouldn't be here. I just thought I would get some peace here.

"I'm leaving now" I tried to walk around him but he stopped me.

"No, I didn't ask you to leave" I looked up at him and noticed the bags under his eyes. He looked terrible.

"I..." he touched my arms lightly and a spark travelled up my arms.

He must have felt it too because he tightened his grip.

"I shouldn't..."

"Are you okay?" His eyes kept flashing between colors and I was worried something was wrong.

"Let's sit. Tell me why you're here" he moved me to the bed but he kept a lot of distance between us.

"I needed some time away"

"Why? Is everything okay? Did you get hurt" he touched me but moved away again when I felt that spark.

"Are you okay Brayan?" I asked really concerned now. Something was definitely off with him.

"Yes. Just keep talking" his eyes were clenched shut.

"I found out that my sister was pregnant. My ex fiancé was responsible and they have been dating for four months now. And my parents knew about it" I scoffed.

"Don't think about him"

"I'm not"

"He's a fool for letting him go"

"You're letting me go" I just had to say that.

He groaned. "It's not within my control" he said harshly.

"I know that. I have to return now" i stood up from the bed.

"No" he stopped me again. I felt the sparks and I expected him to jump back but he didn't.

"Please don't go"

"There is no reason for me to be here"

"I love you" he said sincerely.

"But love is still not enough for us"

He sighed deeply and cradled my face in his hands.

"It will" he sounded so sure but I didn't believe him. It's only foolish to hope for something with him. He made it clear already that there couldn't be more between us.

"I want to touch you" he whispered softly and it awakened something deep within me.

I wanted him to touch me. I desperately needed him to even though my brain screamed it was a terrible idea.

This may just be the last time and I wanted to spend it happy and so I nodded.

"Your words love"

"Touch me. Please" he was on me instantly.

Kissing me roughly and groping me. His hands caressed my ass exposed partly under the sweater. I pulled at his shirt, hindering me from feeling his bare skin under my finger tips.

The buttons weren't cooperating and so I tugged the shirt roughly. I heard the sound of a tear and j was surprised by my own strength. Brayan merely chuckled and went back to kissing me.

He pulled the sweater over my head and dropped what was left of his now ripped shirt. I pulled at the buckle of his pants and it cooperated with me thankfully.

He disposed of his clothes and pushed me onto the bed, climbing over me and positioning at my entrance.

He nudged the blunt head against my tight opening, ready to plunge in but he suddenly pulled away from me. I sat up confused.

"Brayan?" He growled at me. His canines were out and his face was tightened in pain.

"Brayan" I shouted. Something was definitely wrong with him. I approached him slowly while he fought with himself and touched his arms gently. His eyes snapped up to mine and I almost jumped back in fear but I stopped myself.

"You're okay" I said softly and his face relaxed.

"Come" I whispered and he moved toward me slowly.

When he was an inch away, I pulled him in for a kiss. It wasn't rough like the last one. It was gentle and I took my time to explore every corner of his mouth.

He responded passionately and his fingers travelled between my legs, teasing my pleasure nub. I moaned into his mouth and his fingers worked harder and he slipped it into my hot wet channel.

I shuddered. I had missed him so much. Missed his fingers inside me and his mouth on me. I knew I wouldn't be getting his mouth now and I was totally content. I'll take whatever he'll give.

He combed his fingers and I whimpered but it was quickly replaced with a gasp when he thrust to the hilt inside of me.

His mouth left mine and his fingers dug into my hip as he theist roughly into me. He pulled me harshly against me as he simultaneously slammed into me.

This was pure unadulterated fucking. Like he was using me for his pleasures and I didn't care.

He continued slamming into me while I grasped the sheets tightly and tried to breathe through his unrelenting thrusts.

His face more animal than man as he fucked me roughly and one of his fingers now played with my clit. It didn't take long, my orgasm washed through me harshly. I was suspended in thin air as the blissful feeling took over my senses.

Brayan didn't relent in his hard thrusts and soon another orgasm was approaching, threatening to knock the life out of me.

I clung onto him tightly as I exploded around him. His face tightened and grunts spilled from his lips. I watched his canines lengthen and I wanted him to sink them into me. He looked like he was going to but changed his mind at the last point and but into his arms just as he spilled into me. His orgasm setting off another one for me.

He collapsed tiredly against me while we both caught our breaths.

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