He was starting at his hand feeling different. He can feel the power coursing throughout his body.

Robert: "W-What happened?"

Tombstone watched in surprise as he was confused on what just happened. But he won't tolerate this man from killing two of his gang.

Tombstone: "Kill him."

More of the gang surrounded Robert and opened fired. Robert covered himself with his arms and was surprised to feel nothing. The gang were also surprised as well as they just their bullets bounce off of him. They fired once again as Robert started to get irritated. His hands glowed and with a shout, he threw them forward releasing a blast if energy hitting two of the gang as they got vaporized turning into dust.

In a burst of speed, Robert appeared in front of another one before grabbing him and splitting him in two with his bare hands as blood sprayed everywhere. He turned back only to see the retreating gang members. He blasted them with his new found powers killing them instantly. He was busy killing some of the gang members as he didn't notice a missile fired towards him as it hit him making it explode and got sent towards the abandoned factory. Tombstone set his missile launcher down as he ordered his men to get out of here.

Tombstone: "Let's go before the maniac gets back up and kills us all."

They entered their cars as they drove off living the area. Once they are gone, Robert bursts out of the factory and landed on the ground looking for them but they are nowhere to be seen. He was confused on why he suddenly got powers. His eyes glowed in anger as his body emits all the energy in his body. With a shout of anger, he exploded in bright light destroying everything that got caught by the blast. Once the light disappeared, we see him in the middle of a large crater as he stated at his bloodied hands.

Robert: "W-What have I become?"

He shot up into the sky as sonic booms can be heard.

The Realm of Nyx

We see Hyperion walking on a field of grass with Nyx walking right beside him. They are having a talk of what has been happening outside of her realm. Hyperion is wearing his signature black coat with civilian clothes underneath it. It's been months since the Ultron incident.

Nyx: "Thank you for having the time my son."

Hyperion: "Anything for you mother. I'm free for a few days. I just let Steve handle the new team."

Nyx: "Ah yes, Tony retired from being a superhero."

Hyperion: "He is now focused on having a normal life with Pepper but he still helps when he has time."

Nyx: "I'm happy you are doing good things out there my son. I'm also glad that Arishem has no hold of what you do."

Hyperion: "Severed ties with him centuries ago when I found out of the truth. I'm not letting him destroy this world. Even if he has to send more Eternals to stop me like Arkus."

Nyx: "And I'll be there to help you my son. Now you should go."

Hyperion: "Why?"

Nyx: "Seeing what you are wearing now, I supposed you are going on a date."

Hyperion: "Oh right, almost forgot about that."

She laughs and gives her son a hug goodbye as she had to be on her tiptoes to reach his height. Hyperion hugged back as Nyx made a protal for him back to the mortal realm.

Hyperion: "See you again soon mother."

Nyx: "See you my son and goodluck with your date."

Hyperion: *chuckles* "Will do."

The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X Hyperion Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें