Chapter 4: Scorpion and Sub-Zero

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On a nearby hill, the Lin Kuei cryomancers  and pyromacer Kuai Liang and his son Lew Liang lies on their belly overlooking the quarry
with a spyglass. Their gaze focuses on an underground entrance built into one of the rocky hills of the quarry. Several converted
cyborgs are carrying equipment further into the complex.

As Sub-Zero and Lew continues to observe, a yellow garbed ninja sneaks up behind him. Sensing his approach, Sub-Zero and Lew looks away from the spyglass and turns around just as the ninja pulls out his ninjato sword. He is unable to do anything more as the faster ninja brings his sword to bear, pointing it in his direction. Sub-Zero and Lew finally gets a good look at the ninja and their face sags in bemusement.

NINJA: Your hearing is failing, Sub-Zero, Lew

SUB-ZERO: I recognized your footsteps, Hanzo.

LEW LIANG: I heard you coming from a mile away Grandmaster Hazashi.

The ninja is indeed Hanzo Hasashi once known as Scorpion, but no longer. Hanzo puts his sword back in its sheath as Sub-Zero and Lew gets to their feet.

SCORPION: Where's Sektor? I will not let him threaten my clan again.

SUB-ZERO: The old Cyber Lin Kuei factory was defunct, buried beneath this quarry - until the time disruption. Now, Sektor's returned and reactivated it. He's building an army by processing Lin Kuei warriors kidnapped from our temple.

SCORPION: I can see why you need me.

Lew Liang points to the entrance.

LEW LIANG: We could enter through that tunnel, but a frontal assault would be...


SUB-ZERO: ...needlessly dangerous.

Lew hands Hanzo his spyglass.

SUB-ZERO: There's another entrance, less populated.

Hanzo initially looks in the wrong direction, prompting Sub-Zero and Lew to gently move his sight to the side entrance he refers to.

SCORPION: And the rest of your plan?

SUB-ZERO: We get help on the inside.

The three Grandmasters look to the quarry and say no more. The  scene cuts to the side-entrance. A single Cyber Lin Kuei stands
on guard. Sub-Zero, Lew and  Scorpion sneak up behind it and stab it repeatedly - Scorpion with his kunai, Sub-Zero and Lew with a constructed ice dagger. Once the multiple stabbings bring the cyborg to its knees, the Grandmasters finish the job by simultaneously stabbing the cyborg through the joints
connecting its neck to its shoulders. With the guard dead, Sub-Zero, Lew and Scorpion run down the entrance way into the complex.

The scene cuts to inside the factory itself. Sub-Zero, Lew and Scorpion enter a large room and take in the spectacle before them. Sub-Zero and Lew's eyes widen as he glances over machinery designed to convert living humans into cybernetic monstrosities. Both of them walks past human heads stuffed into glass tubes and sealed in an unknown liquid.

Under their feet are bloodied corpses with their skin flayed off their bodies. They spot a badge covered in blood and bends down to pick it up. Despair sets on his face as he realises the badge is one of the Lin Kuei's - meaning the corpses around them are of their own clan. Hanzo puts a reassuring hand on Kuai Liang's shoulder.

SCORPION: We'll avenge your clan.

LEW LIANG: We will get them Father.

A whirring sound catches the Grandmasters' attention and they run for cover as the doors behind them open. Two new figures enter the room. The first is a cyborg covered with a yellow paint job, and the second is the hooded woman seen at Kronika's side. The woman is carrying a vial of Jinsei, which she puts into one of the machines in the room.

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