chapter 17

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The two had gotten in their comfortable clothes and Wei Ying payed down while Lan Was sitting up and taking off his forehead ribbon, but he realized that it was tangled in the back and he wasn't able to untangle it. He turned to Wei Ying and looked at him, he knew the meaning behind his ribbon but Wei Ying didn't, he knew that Wei Ying was his soulmate and that he wanted him to be his, but he didn't know how Wei Ying felt. He thought that it would be best if Wei Ying didn't know the meaning behind it, but if Wei Ying touches his ribbon, he will officially be seen as Lan Zhan's special person, which was true for Lan Zhan at least.

" Wei Ying, could you help me take the ribbon off please?". He asked as Wei Ying  nodded and leaned towards him and untangled the ribbon, taking it off and folding it gently and gave it to Lan Zhan as he smiled and played back down, feeling tired. Lan Zhan took it back with a slight blush on his face and put it besides the bed and also layed down.

That night was quite a cold night, and Wei Ying was under the blanket and was still shivering, and Lan Zhan could feel him shivering and was a little concerned for the younger, maybe he had caught a cold or something." Are you cold?". He asked in a soft voice." N-no i'm ok don't worry". He answered and obviously Lan Zhan did worry, not only because he was visibly cold but also because he denied it. " That's a lie". He answered quietly and scooted over to be closer to Wei Ying and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him in his chest to warm him up. Wei Ying on the other hand blushed a lot, ressembling a tomatoe, but he wasn't about to stop this, he really was cold and he was also in his crush's arms, which he didn't mind at all.

" Maybe I was a little cold". He said to himself quietly, not knowing that Lan Zhan also heard him until he heard the older chuckle, which made him blush even more." Are you ok now?". He asked as he could feel the younger stop shivering." No i'm still cold". He said in a sleepy voice as he cuddled up to Lan Zhan, the latter chuckled and smiled at the younger." Cute". He said quietly to himself thinking that Wei Ying didn't hear him but he did, and he blushed hearing that Lan Zhan thought that he was cute." Goodnight Lan Zhan". He said as he closed his eyes." Goodnight Wei Ying, i love you".  He said, although the last part he said too himself. Wei Ying heard him but he wasn't sure if he had misunderstood or misheard but he wasn't about to question it now when he was so tired.

They both fell asleep in each other's arms, thinking to themselves how much they loved each other.

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