chapter 12

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Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were walking towards the entrance of cloud recesses to welcome Xichen back after he had been gone for a couple of days already." Hello Wangji, hi Wuxian i'm glad your doing better". Said Xichen as he walked towards the two younger men." Hello brother". Said Lan Zhan and bowed his head a little in respect." Hi Zewu-Jun". Said Wei Ying as he bowed fully to Xichen." Oh please, no formalities needed Wuxian". Said The older Lan as he smiled at the youngest of the three.

Wei Ying smiled and nodded." So are you settling in good?". Asked Xichen with a smile." Yes, thank you much for everything you've done until now, i'm really grateful ". Thanked Wei Ying." Of course, i'm happy to have you here, just don't cause too much trouble ok?". Said Lan Xichen jokingly as Wei Ying nodded and laughed, remembering how much trouble he used to cause when he stayed here and Lan Zhan smiled at the younger and thought that his smile was the cutest smile ever, which Xichen noticed and smirked at his little brother. Lan Zhan noticed his brother's weird face and looked at him with a small frown of confusion which quickly turned into a smile when he looked back at Wei Ying.

" Well, i can have a room ready for you today if you want?". Said Xichen as he looked at Wei Ying." Well i don't really think that's a problem, right Lan Zhan?". Said Wei Ying in a teasing tone as he looked at Lan Zhan, who slightly blushed and looked away from Wei Ying for a second before looking back at him and nodding, making Xichen smirk at his little brother for the second time." I take it you like staying in Wangji's room then". Said the older Lan as he turned to smirk at Wei Ying, who just like Lan Zhan blushed a little too." It's- it's ok yes". Said Wei Ying as he laughed nervously, the way that Xichen was saying it made him imagine things that he shouldn't be imagining, which made him blush in a very hard way and he could feel it.

So he turned away from the Lan brothers and of course Lan Zhan saw this and smiled at Wei Ying and Xichen noticed his younger brother smiling at Wei Ying for what seemed like the hundredth time that day and it made Lan Xichen smile too, he had never seen his little brother smile so much and it made him happy too know that there was someone that was able to make him smile so much.

He would've never thought that Wei Ying of all people would be that person to Lan Zhan, they were both opposite.

Wei Ying was social and always smiling and he was expressive and loud, and quite the troublemaker, he loved being free, and Lan Zhan on the other hand was more on the introverted side and quiet, he would always follow the rules and he was strict. Yet the two complemented each other perfectly and looked so cute together in Xichen's opinion, he could already see how much they cared about each other, he knew that the two were soulmates and more than friends, and he knew that they were just meant for each other, it was only a matter of time before the two realize that they loved each other in Xichen's opinion

" Well i'm going to leave you kids alone, I have work to do tell me if you need anything". Said Xichen as he slightly bowed to the two, who bowed in return. After Xichen left the two young men, they just looked at each other and blushed at the same time and laughed about it, walking back towards Lan Zhan's room, which was slowly turning more into there bedroom.

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