chapter 15

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Lan Zhan was patiently waiting for Wei Ying to come back home, deep in thought from his conversation he had with his brother earlier.


Wei Ying had left, Lan Zhan still watching him with some suspicion as he turned back to his brother. He saw that his brother was watching him with a light smirk on his face, slightly confusing Lan Zhan." Wangji Wangji Wangji, you have a crush on Wuxian". He said in a teasing tone as Lan Zhan blushed and looked at his brother with slight disbelief on his face, he had never heard his brother talk in such a way, but at the same time he was a little taken it back, he himself wasn't sure if he had feelings for the younger so how could his brother be so sure?." How can you be so sure?". He asked in defense.

" It's visible in your eyes, and the way way you look at him like he's your whole life, and the way you smile at him like he is the only one in the world and the way you talk to him so gently, Wangji you care for him so much and it's so obvious that he feels the same way towards you ". He said to his brother, getting a little emotional at his own words, he had never seen anyone make his baby brother as happy as Wei Ying did and it warmed his heart that after so many years of him being emotionless towards everyone he had finally found a person that made him happy and feel emotions.

Lan Zhan saw his older brother's tears and his words really hit him, he realized just how much he cared about Wei Ying, the months when he wasn't here were the worst for him, he felt alone and helpless knowing that he couldn't do anything about it." I'm really confused about my feelings xiongzhang". He said, as his brother whipped his tears away and smiled at his little brother, they hadn't had a talk like this in many many years, the last time was when their mother had died, that was the last time that the two had really had a talk about how Lan Zhan was feeling and now, they were doing it again and Lan Xichen realized how much he missed his little brother." It's ok Wangji, you will figure it out, and I think that you being with Wuxian is going to help you". He said with a smile and for the first time since their mother died, Lan Zhan smiled at his brother too.

Xichen was so happy to see his brother smile again, he couldn't help the big smile that made its way on his face." Well, I should get going now, finish up with work". He said as he patted his shoulder and was about to turn around and walk back to his room when Lan Zhan hugged him. Xichen was extremely surprised, Lan Zhan had never hugged him, he had never even seen him hug anyone so seeing Lan Zhan hugging him brought him to tears as he hugged him back and patted his head comfortingly." Thank you xiongzhang". He said as he straightened his back and stepped away from his older brother." Of course, you can always come and talk to me". He said reassuringly. They said goodbye and Lan Zhan walked back to his room to wait for Wei Ying to return.

End of flashback

Lan Zhan smiled as he remembered everything that was said, his brother made him realize his feelings for Wei Ying and he was grateful that his brother helped him realize just how much he liked the younger and how much he cared about him. Thinking about him, he realized that it had gotten quite late and that Wei Ying was still not here. It was also past curfew and he knew that Wei Ying would cause trouble if he were to try and sneak in, so with some hesitation he got up from his bed and with some hesitation he walked out of his room and walked towards the entrance of cloud recesses to wait for him to come, he shouldn't take to much time so Lan Zhan didn't mind waiting a little bit, so he sat down on a big Rick and waited.

That is, until he heard a scream, Wei Ying's scream...

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