chapter 16

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Wei Ying's POV:

Wei Ying was walking quickly so that he wouldn't be too late, he already knew that it was past curfew so Wei Ying wanted to get to cloud recesses before it was really late when he heard something rustle from behind him. He turned around and was absolutely horrified to see a dog standing behind him, to be more specific a Went dog, it was black with red glowing eyes and it was really big, even Wei Ying was smaller than the dog. Normally Wei Ying can fight anything and anyone, he is really strong, and even stronger with his new form of cultivation.

But in that moment he was paralyzed in fear, he couldn't move, he couldn't scream, he couldn't do anything at the moment except for cry out of fear as the big dog came out fully from behind the bush and barked at Wei Ying. That was when he realized that the dog was coming closer too him and that's when he screamed, he screamed as loud as he could and started to run as fast as he could, realizing that it was extremely dangerous to just stay there and do nothing, he started to see that he was getting closer and closer to cloud recesses so he started running even faster, noticing that the dog was a little further behind him, he seemed to be much older so he was slower than other Wen dogs.

He looked back to see how far behind the dog was while still running when he bumped into someone. He looked up in panic thinking that there was the owner of the dog or someone else that had ill intentions but was greatly relieved to see that it was Lan Zhan that he had bumped into." Lan Zhan, thank god your here, please help me there is a d-dog". He said with a slight stutter at the end as he tried to catch his breath and calm down, which at the moment was impossible as the dog had now run up to be right infront of them and scared Wei Ying as more tears came down his face, he hid behind Lan Zhan as he tried to get himself together to try and help Lan Zhan.

The latter on the other hand took out bichen and fought with the Wen dog and surprisingly easily defeated the dog, but considering its age it wasn't that difficult either. Lan Zhan looked back at Wei Ying, who was now curled up on the ground, trying to calm down and catch his breath, but he wasn't able to, Lan Zhan realized that the younger was having a panic attack, so he crouched down to be able to hug Wei Ying and did just that. Wei Ying hugged him back even tighter as his breathing started to go back to normal. Lan Zhan understood that he was afraid of dogs but he never knew that it was to this extend, but he wasn't going to question the younger now, he needed to calm him down and comfort him." Wei Ying, it's ok now the dog isn't here anymore". He said in a soothing and gentle voice as he wiped of his tears.

Wei Ying eventually did calm down but he didn't let go of Lan Zhan, he didn't want to.

The familiar smell of sandlewood and the warmth that he provided was so comforting that Wei Ying didn't want to let go." It's ok sweetheart". He said and Wei Ying could feel his heart beat speed up from the name Lan Zhan called him. He had never felt as appreciated as he did when he was around Lan Zhan and that made him fall in love with him. In that moment where Lan Zhan comforted him he realized, he was in love with Lan Zhan, which scared him a lot, but he couldn't stop his feelings. And when Lan Zhan did even the slightest thing his heart beat always sped up.

So when Lan Zhan called him sweetheart he felt his face heat up, he could just picture himself looking like a tomato, that also being one of the reasons that he didn't want to let go of Lan Zhan, he didn't want Lan Zhan to see him so red." Lan Zhan, can we go back home?". He asked after a couple more minutes of hugging him tightly and just being in each other's arms. Lan Zhan realized that for the first time Wei Ying had called cloud recesses home, he couldn't have been happier that he considered cloud recesses his home too." Ok, let's go home". He said, making Wei Ying also realize that he had called it home, which made him happy too finally be able to call cloud recesses his home too.

They walked back home, Lan Zhan carrying Wei Ying on his back as the latter was feeling very tired and could barely walk on his own. Lan Zhan wanted to talk to him about why he was that scared of dogs but he could see that he was very tired so he would talk about it maybe tomorrow maybe another day. They came to the front and Lan Zhan, as quietly as he could he broke the spell and walked in, putting the spell back on and walked quietly back to Jingshi, making sure that no one heard them. He opened his door and stepped in, closing it afterwards and laying Wei Ying down on the bed. Althought he did try to get out of bed to get into his comfortable clothes, Lan pushed him back down on the bed and got them for him, kneeling down infront of him and helping him out them on.

They both smiled at each other softly as Wei Ying blushed a little too, making Lan Zhan smile a little more. Wei Ying loved Lan Zhan's smile so much, anytime that he saw an opportunity to make him smile he took it and it made him so happy whenever it worked, which was practically all the time." Are you ok now?". Asked Lan Zhan as he gently caressed his cheek and Wei Ying nodded softly." I am, but I was so scared I didn't know what to do, but then you came ". He said as he smiled to reassure the man infrot of him that he was ok now, which worked because Lan Zhan smiled at him softly." I'll always come, you know that right?". He said as Wei Ying smiled and nodded, knowing that he will always be on his side, and Wei Ying will too. They will always care for each other and be besides each other.

Silent beautyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora