Chapter 20 Last Chapter

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Time Skip to 3 Years later

Mikasa P.O.V

Eren always getting home late i think he is cheating on me but i am going to place a hidden camera and am going to follow him and see why he is getting home late. I called Armin to come watch the kids once he came i set my quest to find out why Eren is always coming home late i got out of my car and saw Eren get out of his i then saw him go into a bar i followed but i notice all the lights were off i was wondering why would Eren go to a bar thats closed i followed him in but i couldn't see anything till all the lights turn on and everyone yelled surprise i got scared and jumped and screamed i looked and saw all my friends i then saw Eren he smiled at me and i asked "what is happening here" Eren got up and said Mikasa it's your birthday i then remembered and hugged him and whipered to him "let's have a other kid" he pulled back and looked at me and smiled and kissed me everyone was cherring for us but no one heard what i should i do when we have a other kid we won't have time to keep it but my boss is nice so he won't mind. After the party Eren carred me to the car and put me in the back and he went in the front and drove to a nerby hotal and got out and carred me to the front desk got a room he carred me to the room he opened the door and shut it and dropped me on the bed and got on top off me he kissed me and made his way down and unbuttoned my shirt and unbuttoned his pants and shirt i noticed this and unbuttoned my pants.(you guess know what happened)

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