Chapter 10

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Mikasa P.O.V

as i woke up i felt someone behind me and when i turned around and got surprised by a kiss from Eren and i pulled away and said ''good morning Eren'' with a smile on my face and he smiled back and said "good morning to you to'' and i looked back and saw the clock and saw that it was 8:45 so i got up and told Eren that we are going to be late for school so he got up and ran to the washroom and came out wearing his school uniform and i was dressed to and we ran out of his house and once we got to school the bell rang.

Time Skip to lunch

Eren P.O.V

was me and my friends got to the lunch room i say jean flirting with mikasa so that got me really mad so i walked over there with my fist ready to punch jean

Jean's P.O.V

as i was flirting with mikasa i felt a joint of pain on my face that's when it hit me Eren was on top of me punching me then he got up and started to kick me over and over then he stopped and said "don't you ever flirt with mika ever again."

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