Chapter 15

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Three Years later

Mikasa P.O.V

"Armin why do you always have to do that that's the tenth time you did this every time i try to meet someone new you have to come and ruin it"

Armin P.O.V

"Mikasa am sorry i have to do it okay it's for a friend" i whispered she turned around with a death glare saying "am going to kill you once were back at our dorm" I just looked away with a poker face acting like nothing happened but i was going to keep Eren's promise to make sure that Mikasa does not go for anyone else.

Mikasa P.O.V

Once me and Armin got back to our dorm i went straight to bed without saying a word

The Next Day

When i woke up i did my daily routine once i was done i walked straight to my class without waking up Armin but on my way there i saw someone that looked Eren but i just Ignored it and contuned my way to class

Eren P.O.V

I had just moved back from america and was happy to be back in my hometown but first i need to get to class so i looked around for my class but got lost till I notice someone with grey eyes and pretty short black hair but before i could talk to her someone bumped into me and i fell over it was a short guy who had no emotions and just a poker face on. I got up and i said "sorry"and he just walked away really fast. at last i found my class and i noticed a blonde that looked like Armin and i walked over to him but it was just Annie she looked at me then smiled and i smiled back and sat next to her.


Just to let you guys know is that Annie and Eren started after Eren came back because he for got about what he told Armin and all the characters are in college now okay.

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