XVIII: The Great Groupie Debacle

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2nd of May, 2013

She traces the shape of his nose with her index finger. He still sleeps peacefully, hours beyond what he would usually do. Twelve pm.

Alison knew he'd have a mean hangover, but the boys had a day off from gigging, so he'd at least have recovery time.

A buzz of her phone quickly takes her attention off of the sleeping boy.

One new message from: Ben

Alison furrowed her brow at the sight. Her brother never really texted. He was more of the calling type. He was nearing thirty now, still young, but could just about navigate a phone. She slides open the message.

Who's the tall guy, Alison?
Link: https/thesun/georgedaniel—alisonevans

Alison's clicks the attachment, leading her to a "The Sun" article. A picture of her and George leaving the Vegas venue sometime earlier in the week.

Drummer of chart topping Manchester Indie band- The 1975- George Daniel, pictured leaving Vegas venue, up close and personal with model, Alison Evans.
Model turns groupie, And 10 other things we've never seen before.

"Groupie? Are you fucking serious?" She screams at nobody in particular, causing George to stir slightly in his sleep. She buries her face in her hands, pure annoyance running through her veins.

Frustrated and seething with indignation, Alison took a deep breath to calm herself. Determined to address the situation head-on, she decided to seek solace and support from the only people who truly understood her relationship with George—Matty, Ross, and Adam.

Leaving George's side, she made her way down the hallway to their hotel room. With each step, her resolve strengthened, fueled by a mixture of anger and a desperate need to set the record straight. Knocking firmly on the door, she waited anxiously for someone to answer.

It was Matty who swung open the door, his hair tousled and eyes filled with curiosity. His expression quickly shifted from surprise to concern as he took in Alison's visibly agitated state.

"Alison, what's going on?" Matty asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Without wasting a moment, Alison thrust her phone into his hands, showing him the article that had stirred up chaos in her mind.

Matty's eyes move left to right as Alison sits down on his bed, Adam watching in silence, Ross sleeping soundly.

"What's the problem? You don't like the photo?" Matty hands her back the phone.

"Wh-What? No? They're calling me a groupie and now everyone is gonna think I'm dating George."

"Okay, groupie probably isn't an ideal title.. but of course people are going to think you're dating George, Alison. That's not The Sun twisting anything, you two kiss and hug and... other things." Matty shivers. "And he's quite literally wrapped around you in this picture?"

Alison sighs. "Yeah.. but I'm not dating George. I don't know if we're on good terms right now." She falls into a lying down position.

Adam, Ross and Matty exchange looks.

"He just got jealous Ali, I think that shows he cares for you." Matty speaks.

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