XII: What if you just... Called Matty up?

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7th of April, 2013.

George found himself sinking into a state of stagnation on Alison's couch. They would occasionally venture out for walks or to run errands, but his mental health had taken a noticeable decline since his time away from Matty, Adam, Ross and even Lola. With the exception of a brief visit home to collect some essential items like clothes and drum practice pads, George had become a near-permanent fixture on Ali's couch. The sound of their hit song "Chocolate" playing on the radio only served to worsen his mood, prompting him to angrily switch it off.

Alison couldn't help but witness the consequences of George's severed connection with Matty. His demeanor mirrored that of a teenage girl who had just experienced a breakup—indulging in ice cream while reminiscing about the past and refusing to wear any sweaters gifted to him by Matty. The weight of the situation was palpable, as George struggled to move past the pain and uncertainty that hung over him.

"It's so awful to see you like this George." Alison, as empathetic as ever sits as close as physically possible to him. "You were the one telling me that everything would be okay only last week." She traces imaginary shapes on his neck and face.

George sighs, nodding in agreement. "I guess- yeah you're right. Matty and I always make our way back. Always. We're fucking George and Matty for fuck's sake." He lets out a small laugh, bringing a smile to Alison's face.

"Alright, alright. I hope Matty isn't stealing you from me." She smiles.

"No way, darling." He winks "Me and Matty aren't that gay."

Alison chuckles, thinking of all the stupid things that Matty and George do together, running and jumping and tackling each other, the piss-takes and the late night talks. They're like a much crazier version of her and Lola.

The two cuddle up together, legs intertwining and arms linking, the way their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces made them smile.

As George and Alison settled into each other's embrace, they pondered over what to watch to lift their spirits. They sought something light-hearted and funny, a show that would momentarily transport them from their own troubles. After a brief discussion, they decided on watching "The Inbetweeners."

With each episode, the witty banter and hilarious misadventures of Will, Simon, Jay, and Neil filled the room, eliciting laughter and easing the tension that hung in the air. George found solace in the absurdity of the characters' teenage experiences, which reminded him of his own youthful escapades with his friends.

As they watched, George and Alison exchanged knowing glances, relishing in the shared laughter and a momentary respite from their own worries. The show served as a reminder of the importance of friendship, and finding humor in life's awkward moments.

As George and Alison were engrossed in their laughter-filled respite, the sudden sound of George's phone ringing shattered the tranquility of the moment. His heart skipped a beat as he glanced at the screen, revealing Matty's name illuminated in bold letters. A mix of anticipation and apprehension washed over him, causing his hands to tremble slightly.

Alison sensed the gravity of the situation and remained silent, her eyes fixed on George's face as he answered the call. The room fell into an expectant hush, with only the distant sound of the television echoing in the background.

"Matty?" George's voice was a mixture of hope and uncertainty, his eyes searching for any clues in Alison's expression.

A pause hung in the air, intensifying the suspense, before Matty's voice finally broke through the silence. There was a subtle change in the tone, an underlying excitement that caught George off guard.

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