XVI: I Always Wanna Die (Right Now)

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1st of May, 2013

"I don't see it, personally. I mean- I did but he just seems to not be in the right headspace.. Um. Yeah. That's my two cents. Not like it matters." Adam crosses his legs, holding his hands up in surrender.

Ross shakes his head. "That's just how George acts though. He's obviously mad about her, he's just a twat."

Adam raises an eyebrow at Ross's remark. "Well, if he's mad about her, he has a funny way of showing it. I've never seen someone avoid asking out someone they like so much. It's like he's intentionally keeping his distance."

Ross leans back in his chair, folding his arms. "Maybe he's scared. You know, fear of rejection and all that. People do strange things when they're afraid of getting hurt."

Adam nods thoughtfully. "That's true. But if he keeps up with this attitude, he might end up pushing her away instead. She's not going to wait around forever for him to figure things out."

Ross chuckles, shaking his head. "Yeah, well, love makes fools of us all. Let's hope George realizes what he's got before it's too late."

Unbeknownst to Adam and Ross, Alison stands around the corner, eavesdropping on their conversation. She strains to hear every word, curious about their perspectives on George and the situation at hand.

As night one and two in California passed, Alison and George found themselves drifting apart, their once vibrant connection fading into mere memories. The absence of affectionate gestures, shared intimacy, and lighthearted banter became evident to their close friends, Matty and Adam. There wasn't really anyone to blame, perhaps it was the lack of communication or the pettiness from both parties. Ross on the other hand, held on to hope.

Making her presence aware, Alison came around the corner.

"Hey, Adam, Ross." she falls down on the couch, perfectly in the gap between the boys.

They give each-other a look, as if to say: "Did she hear that?" But Alison said she'd play dumb. Not like the two had done anything wrong anyways.

"What you guys up to?" She smiles, looking left to right at both of them.

"Nothing crazy, honestly. Just appreciating the vibes here." Ross refers to the lounge area on the backside of the venue, private for just band members and people joining them.

"I'm kind of in the mood to get a bit tipsy.." Alison trails off, smiling. "You've guys have got another while for the show? Up for a vodka coke?"

As Alison confidently makes her way back to the group, her baggy jeans grant her a sense of ease and freedom of movement. She approaches the bar and greets the weary-looking bartender with a cheerful smile.

"Three vodka cokes, please!" she requests, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness. The bartender, dressed in a sleek red waistcoat that almost resembles a stylish Vegas casino dealer, reluctantly begins preparing the drinks.

Though his job seems to be weighing him down, Alison's vibrant energy offers a brief moment of respite. She patiently waits, tapping her fingers against the counter in time with the crappy music that plays on the speakers.

She strolls back, carrying three glasses somehow.

I'd be a good bartender, I think I'd get lots of tips. Maybe because I look like a model. Well I am a model, but if I was a bartender then I wouldn't be a model.. I'd just be a bartender that looks like a model-

Alison's train of thought is abruptly interrupted as she collides with someone, causing one of her glasses to slip from her grasp and shatter on the floor. She looks up and finds herself face-to-face with two familiar individuals — the boy who once held her heart and the girl who now accompanies him. The sight of the girl's waist-length black hair, flawless figure, and striking green eyes makes Alison feel inadequate in comparison.

"Hey! It's Madison, right?" The girl tilts her head, attempting to maintain a friendly demeanor, and flashes a full-toothed smile, revealing her tongue piercing.

"It's... It's Alison. Hi, Mikey," she greets the girl from the music video, trying to suppress her unease. "Hi, George," she adds, her voice tinged with disappointment.

George nods in acknowledgment but remains silent, his intoxicated state evident as he slumps and coughs like a lifeless doll. Alison's eyes widen as she takes in his disheveled appearance, feeling a mix of concern and letdown. The once charming and composed George seems lost and out of sorts.

"Has he been drinking?" Alison points towards George, her worry palpable.

Mikey lets out a laugh and rolls her eyes. "Duh! Of course, he's been drinking. Can't you tell?" She giggles, seemingly unfazed by George's inebriation.

"He has a show in, like, five hours," Alison exclaims, her mind racing to process the situation unfolding before her.

"He'll be sober in two. They say orgasms are good for that," Mikey remarks with a wink, attempting to lighten the mood. However, Alison can only stare, her mind too preoccupied to find amusement in the comment.

"I'm... I'm fine," George finally manages to utter, his words slurred beyond recognition.

Alison can't help her curiosity and concern. "What's going on between you two?" she asks, her tone more curious than confrontational.

Mikey looks up at George, her smile widening. "Well, I've had a crush on him since the day of the music video. I actually thought you two were together, but when I ran into him today at the record shop, he told me otherwise. Aren't I the luckiest girl?" she says with a hint of satisfaction.

"You just might be." Alison fakes a wide smile. "Well, if you'll excuse me.. I have to go meet Ross and Adam. Bye guys."

Mikey waves, George attempting to do the same, but his actions are sloppy.

Alison forces a smile and walks away, her heart heavy with disappointment. She can't shake the feeling of loss and betrayal that washes over her. She takes a deep breath, determined not to let this encounter ruin her evening, and heads back to where Ross and Adam are waiting.

As she approaches her friends, she notices the concerned look on Ross's face. "Everything okay?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Alison nods, trying to brush off her emotions.

"Yeah, no, yeah. I'm fine."

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