XV: Breakfast Blunder

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29th of April, 2013

As the tour bus pulled into Sacramento, the early morning hour of six am cast a veil of weariness over everyone on board. The long hours of travel had taken their toll, leaving George and his fellow passengers longing for the comfort of a bed and a moment's respite.

George sat in silence, the rhythmic ticking of the clock filling the room. A sense of tranquility surrounded him as he watched the brunette girl, deep in sleep, resting on his lap. Occasionally, she would shiver, prompting George to carefully drape his hoodie over her, ensuring her comfort.

The hotel TV channels didn't bear anything worth watching, especially nothing better than watching the girl before him.

"You're so beautiful." He knows his admiration will go unheard, her sleep far too deep.

She'd fallen asleep on the tour bus, waking up to walk herself into the hotel, before dropping onto the bed into George's arms, resuming her slumber.

"The California sun must have worn you out," George murmured, gently caressing Alison's hair, a warm smile adorning his face.

Memories of their adventures together flooded his mind, from the bustling city streets to the picturesque landscapes they had traversed. Alison's spirit and zest for life had captivated him from the start, and he found himself falling with each passing day.

He can't stop thinking about the times he has hurt her feelings, the times he's seen tears in her eyes, and all the missed opportunities to have kissed her sooner.

The warmth of Alison in his arms, the touch of her hair against his fingers—it all intensified his desire for a deeper connection with her. The fear of repeating past mistakes gnawed at him, making him hesitate to take that leap of faith and risk their friendship for the possibility of something greater.

George knew that he couldn't change the past, but he resolved to make amends and show her the love and tenderness she deserved.

As if in response to George's internal turmoil, a soft stir emerged from Alison, her eyes fluttering open. She looked up at him with a gentle smile, her sleep-filled gaze meeting his.

"Good morning," she murmured, her voice still laced with drowsiness.

"Good morning," George replied, his voice warm with affection. "Did you sleep well?"

Alison nodded, stretching her arms above her head. "Surprisingly well, considering the bus ride. I guess I was exhausted."

George couldn't help but be captivated by the natural grace and beauty that surrounded Alison, even in the simplicity of that moment.

"Well, I was thinking," George began, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "How about we go grab breakfast together? I could use some right now."

A smile tugged at Alison's lips as she sat up, fully awake now. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm starving."

"Great," George replied, his voice tinged with excitement. "Why don't you head down and find us a table? I'll join you after I catch up with the guys."

Alison nodded, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Sounds like a plan. I'll save you a seat."

As soon as Alison was out of sight, George ran out of the room and straight into the room next door, banging on it. "It's George, open up."

Greeted by Adam, he steps inside to see Ross watching some kind of ghost show, and Matty asleep, sprawled out across the floor.

"Good Morning, mate. Where's Alison?" Ross turns his head towards George, but doesn't quite turn his eyes away from his cheap budget, ghost-busting show.

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