XVIV: Distract My Brain From The Terrible News

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17th of May, 2013.

"Do you guys ever feel upset about not doing interviews?" Alison straightens the button on Adam's denim jacket, her curiosity evident. "I'm not trying to stir anything up, just genuinely curious."

Ross shakes his head in response. "Nah, we could do interviews if we wanted to. Sometimes we actually do. But Matty seems to care less than the rest of us about the constant scrutiny in interviews. You know, every word is there forever, no room for mistakes."

"I'm sure you wouldn't say anything wrong, you two are the voice of reason." Alison said as she settled onto the tour bus's leather sofa, hoping it wouldn't stick to her thighs.

The boys were dressed and ready for the day leading up to the show, while she remained in her pajamas, wearing an old Spiderman t-shirt borrowed from George.

"Voice of reason, I think that's Hann." Ross leans back on the countertop. "George seems like the quiet one, that's only an act though.. he's almost as wild as Matty. And I'm the real quiet one."

Alison hums, shaking her head. "Isn't it kinda against the 'Quiet one' rules to say you're the quiet one? I mean, in my book, Hann is all about reason, Matty's got that flamboyant and confident vibe, George is a bit uppity like Matty, and as for Ross..." She thinks for a moment. "You're the mother."

"Some mother I'd be." he scoffs, getting a laugh from both Alison and Adam.

The room falls under a comfortable silence for a moment, Alison's gaze resting softly out the window. "Do- Do you think that George will mention me in the interview?"

"What, like 'Guess what I have a girlfriend?'" Hann laughs, but is met with silence.

"No.. like maybe they'll ask him about the model who's in all the paparazzi photos with him.. who he's always got his arm around or holding hands with. It'd be big news, so of course they'd ask.." she trails off.

Ross exchanges glances with Adam, sensing the weight of Alison's question. He leans forward, offering reassurance. "Hey, I'm sure George will handle it well if they ask about you. He'll brush it off or tell them to ask another question.. something like that."

Alison sighs. "No.. that's not what I meant.. I don't want us to be a secret, Ross. I want him to say we're together. Confirm it. Post a picture of us.. I don't know—-"

Adam chimes in.  "Alls, fame and relationships are kind of weird, you know? George probably wants to protect your privacy. "

Alison's voice trembles as she speaks. "I don't have a very private life. I've been in the public eye since I was like.. fourteen. George doesn't need to protect me" Her breath quickens, and her anxiety becomes palpable. She glances at the band members, hoping they understand the weight of her words and how much being open about their relationship means to her.

"Maybe we're not the best people to talk about this to, Alison." Adam suggests.

"Maybe you're right, I'll go call Lola." Alison misinterprets, running to her room to get her phone.

Alison quickly dials Lola's number and waits for her friend to pick up. As the phone rings, she takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. When Lola finally answers, Alison pours her heart out, expressing her concerns and frustrations about her relationship with George being kept secret.

"You know what Alison? You've been on tour with the guys for three weeks or so. And this is the first time you've called me— or contacted me at all for that matter. Now you want advice?"

Alison stops for a moment, unsure of what to say. "I- I know it's just everything has been so crazy I just- I don't know.. You didn't call me either, Lola."

"I didn't call you because I respect your space, Alison," Lola responds sharply. "You're the one who chose to go on tour with George and the band without telling me, and now you expect me to be your sounding board whenever it's convenient for you? I thought we were best friends, but it seems like you only remember me when you need something."

Alison's heart sinks at Lola's words. "It's not like that, Lola. I just needed some time to figure things out with George. You know how important he is to me."

"Of course, I know, but you don't have to shut me out completely. Matty was the one that told me that you and George are together. I wouldn't have known without him and the news articles... I thought we were supposed to share everything, but instead, you're keeping this major part of your life a secret from me," Lola retorts, her voice tinged with hurt.

Alison sighs. She'd had no intentions of shutting Lola out on purpose. Everything had been overwhelming for her in the past few weeks.

"I- I wasn't keeping it a secret Lola.. I'm just really busy and stressed and I just- I forgot about you." She sighs, punching herself mentally only seconds later for her poor choice of words.

"Forgot about me?"

"No.. no it's not like that.. You know what I mean Lola, please don't do this." She pinches the bridge of her nose with her free hand, feeling all the hot blood rush to her face.

Lola says only two more words before the phone call id harshly ended.  "Talk later"

Alison flops onto her bed, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. A ball in her throat built up, stingy and sour, holding back the tears she felt might spill. However, her facade was ruined when Adam stepped into her room, simply asking,

"Are you okay?"

(A/N) This was very much a shitty filler chapter to get back on the grind because I haven't written in so long. My apologies and I'll be back!

Instinctual//George Daniel. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя