XI: Sincerity is Scary

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Alison's house was a slight change of pace for George. It was bigger than his, Lola and Matty's place, as-well as less chaotic considering it was just Ali and her not-so-often  present house mate, Jenna.

"We haven't had a moment to just—- be. To just do what normal couples do. We're a secret. We're involved a big argument with our best friends- I just— I.." Alison buries her face in her hands, sighing.

George wraps around Alison, lifting her gently up onto his lap. His warm touch returns heat to her cold, trembling body as he runs his hand up and down her leg.

"Alison, love." He begins. "This stuff happens. A bunch of 20-somethings in a band... Matty and I know each other god knows how long.. and I couldn't count on both of our fingers and toes how many arguments we've had. And we always come right back." He assures the teary eyed girl before him.

Alison manages a weak smile, wrapping her arms around George's neck while burying her face in his shoulder.

"He told me I was a distraction for you earlier.." Her words are muffled.

George frowns. Matty always seemed to be quite fond of Alison, and the way he can say things in the spur of the moment isn't any bit fair.

"A lovely distraction. With the most beautiful face, hmm? And the kindest soul, you even put up with me when I was being a knob, Ali. How could I not be distracted by you?"  Instead of downplaying Matty's comment, George tries to transform it into something positive.

Alison laughs into his shoulder, sending vibrations across his chest. Leaning back, she takes a good look at him before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm glad I can distract you then.."

He smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The shorter parts at the front were forever falling loose, staying behind her ear for no longer than a minute every time he put them away, but it was habit now, and a plausible excuse to touch her face and get a better look at her.

She kisses his lips, holding it for a few moments longer than she usually would. Her attempt to pull away was undercut by George, who pulled her back closer than she was before.

Alison savoured every second, loving how George's hands ran across her body and the feeling of his smile against her lips.

The world around them faded into the background, leaving only the warmth of George's touch and the sweet taste of his lips. Lost in the intensity of the moment, Alison's senses heightened. She could feel the rapid beat of her heart, matching the rhythm of their entangled bodies. Every touch, every kiss, fueled a growing passion between them, an electric current that coursed through their veins.

Alison grabbed the hem of George's shirt, tugging upwards, asking him to pull it off. He did so, continuing their kiss and removing Alison's lace cami while he was at it. Passion intensified, their skin touching each other's as George stands up, Alison's legs wrapping around his waist. He slowly walks them to Alison's room, placing her gently on the bed, like she'd break if he wasn't too careful.

They clamber beneath the sheets, George mumbling swears as he climbs on top of Alison, one handidly fumbling with his jeans buttons, holding his body up with the other.

His belt was torn off , her skirt was lifted, moans escaped soft cushion lips, hair was tugged, faces were buried into one another's necks.

George scatters kisses from her collar bone to her stomach before sinking his head between her thighs. His back and shoulders rippled with visible muscles, like the rhythmic waves of an ocean colliding with each other. His strong, tattooed arms securely held onto Alison's hips. He would pull away every now and tell her how good she tasted, or how pretty she looked from his angle.

"You're fucking perfect."

31st of March, 2013

Alison opened her eyes, the morning sunlight casting a warm glow on her face. She stretched her limbs and turned her head, expecting to see George lying beside her. But the space next to her was empty, and a flicker of confusion passed through her.

Sitting up in bed, Alison glanced at the clock on her
bedside table. The red digits displayed 10:00 AM,

Pulling on a soft, oversized t-shirt, Alison padded barefoot towards the kitchen. The scent of brewing tea wafted through the air, and she couldn't help but smile. As she entered the cozy space, her gaze landed on George, clad in yesterday's jeans, his bare chest and tattooed arms visible, diligently pouring hot water into a mug.

Their eyes met, and a spark of affection ignited between them. George's face broke into a grin, his love for Alison shining through his eyes. He set down the teapot and walked towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Good morning, love," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. Alison melted into his embrace, feeling the familiar warmth of his body against hers.

"Morning," she replied softly, tilting her head to accept the gentle kiss he planted on her forehead. The sweetness of the gesture made her heart flutter, and she couldn't help but feel lucky to have him by her side.

As George released her from his embrace, he reached for her hand and guided her towards the table set for two. A steaming cup of tea awaited Alison, its aroma mingling with the comforting scent of morning.

Alison takes a sip of her tea and begins, expressing her concern, "I had this thought that you might have disappeared or something... I was genuinely worried that you weren't right beside me."

George lets out a breathy laugh. "That's sweet, darling. I'm only awake for about like- twenty minutes maybe? You were mumbling nonsense in your sleep, I said I'd leave you be."

Alison chuckled softly, feeling a mix of relief and amusement. "Well, you should know better than to trust anything I say in my sleep. I'm glad you're here."

George squeezed her hand affectionately. "Always, Ali."

Feeling as though it was the right time, Alison takes a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. She takes a sip of her tea to gather her thoughts before speaking. "George, can we talk about something important?"

George looks up, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Of course, Ali. What's on your mind?"

Alison hesitates for a moment, then gathers her courage. "I've been thinking... When are we going to make things official between us? Like, I'd be your girlfriend?"

George's expression changes, caught off guard by her question. He stammers, searching for words. "I... I didn't realize you wanted that."

Alison's heart sinks, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. "Why wouldn't I? We've been together for a while now, and I care about. I thought we were on the same page."

George runs a hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable. "I mean, I do care about you, Ali. It's just... I didn't want to assume anything. I thought we were taking things slow, enjoying each other's company without any pressure."

Alison scoffs. Pressure? Is he being serious? She holds herself back, knowing that she has a tendency to say things she regrets when she's upset.

"Yeah.. Um. You're right. We should take things slow.. not jeopardise anything. There's too much conflict going on right now in both of our lives." Alison forces a smile. She was of course, lying. She deemed it embarrassing to argue that she has to be his girlfriend, because that's just desperate.

And besides, maybe George knows better.

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