III: Yeowch! My feelings!

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15th of February, 2013

It had been two weeks since the unforgettable party, and the day of the highly anticipated video shoot had finally arrived. Lola and Alison had been keeping in touch every day, managing to squeeze in coffee meet-ups and leisurely walks in the park between their busy schedules.

As Alison stepped onto the set, her eyes widened in awe at the incredible scene before her. The room was entirely white, filled to the brim with towering stacks of guitar amplifiers, pulsating LED lights spelling out "GIRLS," a vintage mini cooper, tanning chairs, and an array of drums and guitars scattered throughout. It was a sight unlike anything she had ever seen.

The set was abuzz with activity, bustling with a team of at least twenty people. Camera crew members scurried around, sound technicians adjusted their equipment, and a group of stunning girls in black lacy underwear sat patiently as makeup artists worked their magic. And, of course, there were the band members. Alison greeted Ross and Adam with warm hellos and handshakes, but then noticed two other figures in their midst.

Ross and Adam graciously took it upon themselves to introduce Alison to the two men. Standing before her were two twenty-something individuals, each with their own distinct style. One sported an unstyled mohawk and donned a Brando jacket. Beside him stood a tall man with a similarly untamed hairstyle, swept back into a casual man-bun.

"I'm Alison," she introduced herself with enthusiasm, extending her hand to the man in the Brando jacket. "It's an absolute honor to be here. I've been really looking forward to this."

The man, known as Matty, accepted her hand with a playful smirk. "Alison, love. Lols has been raving about you. Pleasure to finally meet you," he said, his mischievous wink adding a touch of charm. "I'm just as clueless as you about what's going on, but that's part of the fun, innit?"

Alison chuckled warmly, feeling instantly at ease with Matty's easygoing demeanor. She then turned her attention to the tall man with the swept-back man-bun, expecting a friendly introduction. However, as she extended her hand towards him, he simply glanced at her and crossed his arms, emitting an air of aloofness.

With a hint of surprise and confusion, Alison quickly withdrew her hand, unsure of how to proceed. "And you are?" she asked tentatively.

The man seemed uninterested and responded with a curt tone. "George," he muttered, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for something more important.

Alison couldn't help but feel taken aback by George's dismissive attitude. She exchanged a puzzled glance with Matty, who shrugged in response, as if to say, "That's just George being George."

Despite George's demeanor, Alison tried to maintain her composure and remain friendly. "Nice to meet you, George," she replied, attempting to break the tension. "I'm really excited about this project. It seems like it's going to be quite the experience."

George's response was a nonchalant grunt, not bothering to engage further in the conversation. It became clear that his elusive and seemingly rude demeanor was part of his personality, adding an intriguing layer to the dynamics within the band.

"That model girl, Sarah. She still hasn't showed her face, we're supposed to start shooting in 15 minutes." Ross speaks, in a gentle but worried tone.

Alison is shocked. Sarah isn't here?

"Oh. She'll come, She'll come. Sarah is not a flake, she's one of the greatest models I know.. lovely girl."

Alison nodded, trying to remain optimistic. However, as the minutes ticked by, it became apparent that Sarah was indeed a no-show. The set grew more restless, and the pressure began to mount.

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