"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"N-No... No problem"

"Are you upset with them because they forced you to come for the mating" what was he trying to do? Make me admit that I didn't want the mating? I would never do that. Silas would end my family if I spoke those words.

"Nobody forced me to come here. I came willingly" I lied through my teeth and he looked doubtful for a minute but I couldn't care less.

"Did Silas call you?" I had to know.

"No. I called him. My heart thumped wildly in my chest. Did he make any complaints or say anything to Silas? If Silas started to think anything would end this mating then he was going to kill my family.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

I nodded quickly. "I'm fine"

I'm fine. I assured myself. Everything was fine.

There were no further discussions during the meal. The waiter cleared our tables and I was feeling full.

"Do you want to take a stroll?" He asked suddenly and I studied him. Why was he being extra nice tonight.

"Are you the real Brayan?" I asked with a serious face and he chuckled.

I admired his carefree expression in that moment and the rich sound of his laughter.

"I'm trying to be nice"

"I'm used to you being mean. Your niceness is making me uncomfortable"

"So should I stop being nice?"

I didn't reply.

"I realized something today. If we are going to spend the rest of our life together, then we could at least be friends"

"Where is that coming from? Just this morning you were speaking differently about this"

"Like I said, I did a lot of thinking today. I'll like to call a truce"

"I don't trust this truce. Or trust you. How do I know you are not lying"

"You don't. So you want that stroll?"

It wasn't a bad idea. If I wanted this to work and he was offering to be friends, then I should accept.

"Let's go"

"After you" I walked in front of him, down the stairs and out into the chilly night. The driver was leaning against the car and moved to open the door when Brayan stopped him.

"You can leave. We'll come back home ourselves" the driver nodded and got into the car while I walked alongside Brayan.

The street lights illuminated the night. We enjoyed the cool air in silence as we walked past shops and houses. I heard the sounds of children laughing.

"Is there a park around?"

"It's the orphanage park. Want to go?"

"Yes" I squealed but I quickly composed myself. We turned into a street and came upon a big house. The doors were opened and a middle aged woman received us.

"Good to see you Alpha. Who is this beautiful woman?" She turned to me and I smiled at her.

"We are..."

"My mate" he interrupted me. I was going to tell her we were friends. A thought struck me. This was the first time he was ever saying that word.

"She's lovely" the woman said.

"The children are at the back. They'll be so happy to see you"

"You come here frequently?" I asked. The woman seemed relaxed around him.


As soon as we stepped into the back, a child shouted.

"It's the alpha" there were loud squeals and lots of children ran over to where we stood. He bent down to their level and spread his arms. All the children tried to touch him at once.

The female children kissed all over his face and o chuckled.

"Who are you" a little girl asked as she stared up at me. She looked around four years old and she had a scowl on her face.

"I'm Paisley" I said with a smile but she didn't return it.

"Why are you with the Alpha"

"Naomi don't disrespect the guest"

I frowned at the little girls question. Why was she asking about that.

"Naomi, come here" Brayan called her and she gave me a stink eyes before running over to him. He took her hand and led her away while I stared at them.

"Please don't be offended at Naomi. I promise she's not like that" the middle aged woman apologized.

"It's fine" what could I say? Scream my anger and demand they spank the little girl? She was a little child. I could excuse her behavior.

"Naomi was a sickly child at birth. The alpha always stayed with her. They have a close bond and it may have developed into a crush" it was not a health behavior but I only nodded.

Brayan returned with Naomi a few minutes later and she played with her fingers and looked at me with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry for speaking to you in that manner. Please forgive me"

"All is forgiven" I faked a smile and then I started feeling stupid for holding a grudge against a four or five year old.

She turned to Brayan and he picked her up. While they walked away, she gave me the stink eye.

Aha. So her apology and tears were fake. I watched her interaction with Brayan throughout our stay and I came to a conclusion.

The girl was obsessed with him.

The Beast's Substitute BrideWhere stories live. Discover now