Second Wind

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Batten looked through her spyglass while standing on Rusty's submarine(Rusty herself was tied up), noticing that Dread had claimed the shard, but he also slipped off of the rocks in the process. She watched Sonic teleport as soon as he touched the shard, leaving Dread on his own. "What in the name of the serpent just happened?" Batten asked in confusion as Rose and Desiree looked at her.

Dread then picked up the shard and patted it happily. "I'll never let you go," he said with a smile. He then left the island, jumping from rock to rock before returning to the sub, prize in hand. Rusty scoffed at this, but then noticed that Dread was indeed holding the shard. "The shard," she mumbled. "You alright there Capt'n?" Batten asked the echidna captain from above. He nodded, shard in hand.

Sails and Desiree were both still wondering what was going on with Sonic though. "What happened to Sonic, Captain?" Sails then asked in confusion. Even Desiree was curious. "He poofed! And in a blue flash, he was gone," Dread finally said with a sigh. Rose gasped at the sight of the shard. "The Devil's Lighthouse! You got it!" she exclaimed. Dread nodded and said, "Aye! With this, we will reclaim the No Place seas with the serpent's help."

Everyone cheered, but Rusty had her own concerns. "This craft is the property of the Chaos Council," she said. Rose looked back at her and scoffed her away. "Why don't you shut your metal glob," Rose snarled. "I will not!" Rusty snarled. "I was programmed by the Chaos Council with the mission to retrieve the shard." Rose then scoffed again, but Rusty continued: "The Council will return. You would do me best to surrender to me now."

Everyone hesitated, but then they all laughed in response. "If this Chaos Council wants to take this ship back, they're more than welcome to try," Dread responded as he jumped up to the control deck. He looked at Rusty, an idea coming to him. "You're a heck of a scrapper Rusty. Ye'll make a fine pirate," he continued. When Rusty refused, Dread then agreed to make her a prisoner.

"Alright crew! Let's get this metal boat ship-shaped and ready to sail!" Dread then exclaimed. He was still holding onto the shard happily as everyone cheered in excitement. "But Captain, what about the Angel's Voyage? We known her since we've met!" Desiree then asked her captain. Dread looked over at the Voyage before saying, "A good captain goes down with their ship, but a great captain steals someone else's." He began to think of a name before Rusty came up with one: the Kraken.

"Aye, a fitting name indeed," Dread told Rusty. Everyone then began to sing as Dread piloted their new ship away from the now abandoned Angel's Voyage. Desiree was still wondering about where Sonic was even if they were going to use him to help travel and take over the waters No Place had to offer.


Sonic screamed as he came out of the rift into the No Place. He saw the small patch of island from before and felt his gills and long tail return. "No not again!" Sonic screamed. The flashbacks returned to him as he fell in the water. His vision blurred for a split second, but Sonic got up and wiped the water away from him again. "I thought I had it this time..." he moaned.

He stood on the island and looked around, still remembering to not trip on his tail this time. "How do I find a band of pirates in the middle of a massive ocean world where I'm a sea monster?" Sonic asked himself, not knowing what to do. He finally got some higher ground as he used his powers to float next to a palm tree, spotting the rocks where the Devil's Lighthouse was.

"Oh! The Devil's Lighthouse!" he finally exclaimed. Sonic then began to fly towards it, but the Chaos Council had already arrived on spot to look for it too. "The Yolkomotive is primed and loaded," Deep explained to Mr. Doctor Eggman. Done-it was with him too. "Egg-cellent! We're on a tight schedule here doctors, so no messing around," Mr. Doctor Eggman told the two.

Sonic Prime X HoaG, SoaWTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon