Shattered: Part 2

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After when Rusty Rose sighs after her question, Sonic is then seen running into Babble's area, dodging more robots that came his way. "Finding Tails and Annie would be a lot easier if everything was covered in grass and palm trees, like it should be," he mumbled to himself. Sonic then stops when a huge, baby like robot with flashing colors lands in front of him. Sonic then exclaims after stopping in front of it. The robot then lands in front of him.

"Eggman finally!" Sonic exclaims. "I don't know what you did, and I don't know how you did it, but I'm gonna kick your ro-butt!" Sonic soon hears babbling from inside the robot as it pushed a bright, yellow circle in its center. Sonic raises a brow and cocks his head in confusion as the device lands on a baby rattle, causing a huge one to appear on one of the robot's arms. 

Sonic then laughed. "A baby rattle? That's not exactly scary-" his line soon breaks as the robot punches Sonic in the face, sending flying into a wall. The robot then let out a childish laugh as it began to crawl towards Sonic after when it retreated the baby rattle.

As soon as Sonic got up, his shoes started going out of wack again. "Woah, come on shoes!" he exclaimed as the robot jumped up, preparing for an attack. Sonic was able to jump over it, dodging an attack. He laughs as he sped across the robot. As soon as he started running, the robot then began to chase Sonic until he eventually tripped and crashed into another wall. He moans after running up the robot, dodging another one of its attacks and then fell again in the process. The robot once again let out a childish shout before crawling towards him again.

This was when Sonic moved around and began to jump on different pipes as the robot then let out some childish snarls. Once he was in a secure position, Sonic then spin dashes into the robot when it jumped toward him. It landed on the ground crying. 

Sonic then ran around the robot forming a tornado. His hands glowed again as he began to merge his fire and electricity with the tornado, causing huge damage. He then slips on his shoes and grabs the wall before he could fall, and the robot crashes into a corner, screaming.

He then jumps on the robot after looking at the bits of static electricity forming in the area. "Okay Eggy, you tell me what you did and how to fix it!" Sonic then said with a small snarl in his voice. The robot's hatch then opens, revealing the baby, Dr. Babble, inside it. He was whimpering. "Woah! You really are a baby," Sonic then later said after wiping his angry look on his face. "What in the name of Chip is going on?" he added.

Sonic then zooms away from the robot as Babble began to cry furiously. The hatch on the robot closed as Babble continued to cry and chase Sonic once again while he shouts angrily. "Ugh! Sorry kid, I don't bust up babies," Sonic complained. He then spots some choppers in the distance. "Go home, change your diapers, think about your choices, and tell Eggman I'll deal with him later. Right now, I've got some foxes to find!"

Sonic then spin dashes into a pipe as Babble's robot gets stuck in it. Some robots grabbed it by its feet as Babble began to cry furiously and smacked one of them away. From above, a bat and echidna were watching the madness from the rooftops. "He's fast, powerful, hates the Egg, and has incredible magic skills. We gotta follow this guy. He might be Dark Gaia," the bat suggested. The echidna shook his head, having his doubts.

"I don't know Rebel. What if we follow him right into the hands of the Chaos Council, or what if he isn't Dark Gaia? Feels like a trap," he said. Rebel then pats the echidna's shoulder saying, "When have I ever steered us wrong?" The echidna then raises a brow at her.

"Rhetorical question."


Sonic runs into a train station after following some flying robots. He hears a voice over the intercom.

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