"We'll see you later." I tell him.

He nods slowly and then I follow Alessandro to the door.

As we step out of the door, Jax heads towards the door to go into his house.

"Alessandro." He nods then looks over at me. "Amara." He looks me over.

"Date night?" Jax asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Okay." He heads into his house and Alessandro leads me over to his car.

I climb into his car and we head to a restaurant that he likes. He's been telling me about it for a while now.

"How was work?" I ask on the way to the restaurant.

"Good." He smiles as he glances over at me.

After dinner, I convince Alessandro to go to a bar.

We grab our drinks before heading over to a free booth.

I slip into the booth first and he sits beside me.

He's just drinking coke because he's driving and he already had a drink with our food.

Dom isn't far either, I think he's a booth over. According to Matteo, he doesn't care that Alessandro is a police officer and doesn't care if I'm married I'm having a body guard indefinitely.

I think it's silly, he doesn't.

I sip my drink whilst watching Alessandro.

"I've been practicing my Italian, so we can have conversations in Italian too, instead of you having to speak English all the time. Do you want to hear if?" He asks.

I get the vision.

I just would rather not ever have to hear the language again.

"Go for it." I encourage.

"Ti diverti stasera?" He asks. Are you having fun tonight?

"Si." I nod.

I take another sip of my drink and before I can say anything else, someone slips in the booth with us, but opposite.

"Oh wow." His eyes widen at me."You're very beautiful."

"Thank you." I give the guy a polite smile.

Alessandro leans to me and puts his arm around me, pulling me a bit closer to him.

The guy looks from me to Alessandro and starts talking to him. I just keep my drink to my chest and sip it slowly.

"Stai bene?" Alessandro whispers to me. Are you okay?

I just simply nod.

"Hey so if you're down for it, I actually have an apartment not far from here." The guy opposite us says. "Both of you." He looks between us.

I move closer to Alessandro.

I am sexually confident, I really don't turn down a lot of things. However threesomes, blindfold and being tied up is a hard no. I haven't done any of them since I was 15.

Well, I tried being tied up once like a year or so later and I hated it so much.

Then when I tried being blindfolded I had a panic attack so bad I didn't move for days. It was actually really embarrassing. The guy I was with, was really nice about it actually, he felt really bad and didn't stop apologising.

After about a day he called my brother who had been blowing up my phone.

Matteo was so worried, he stayed with me and begged me to ask what the guy had done to me. He thought something really bad had happened. I never told him what happened, I didn't really talk for a few days, everytime I slept I woke up having a panic attack and Matteo just calmed me.

"No we're okay." Alessandro turns the guy down.

"Just her then." The guy says.

Alessandro and the guy start arguing whilst my phone starts pinging. It's Dom. He's stood now and is watching the encounter.

I slide under the table and crawl out from the table.

Just get to Dom, he'll keep you safe.

I stand up and the guy grabs me and attempts to grope me. He doesn't actually get his hands that far under my dress before Dom is pulling me out of his arms and Alessandro smashes the guys head down on to the table.

I don't see how it plays out with them because Dom is whisking me out of the bar and into his car.

When I get home, I ignore Matteo who's stood in the foyer waiting for me.

I rush up to my bedroom.

I've experienced this more often then I haven't. So I have a routine.

I shower, it's long. I wash my hair, men love my hair. I scrub every single ounce of my body.

I need to feel clean.

Once I get out of the shower I quickly slip on my pyjamas and then brush my teeth.

I head into my bedroom and quickly scream when I see him. He's stood nervously.

Once he hears me scream he immediately springs to life.

"Hey, it's just me." He apologises quickly and moves to be in front of me.

"Come ti senti? A proposito, ho arrestato il tizio." He tells me. How are you feeling? By the way, I arrested the guy.

"Sono stanco. Grazie per essere venuto a controllarmi. Penso che dormirò e basta." I tell him. I am tired. Thanks for coming to check on me. I think I'll just sleep.

"You're welcome. Call me, keep me updated?" He asks and I nod.

"Sure." I smile.

"I'm going to be out of town this weekend for work but still text me? I wanna hear from you." He smiles.

I nod again. He leans down and kisses my forehead before heading for the door.

As he opens the door, Gio is stood there.

They give each other a nod and Alessandro says goodbye. I give him a wave and a small smile.

"You good?" Gio asks.

"Yeah." I confirm.

"If he hadn't have arrested him, I would've killed him." He tells me and then quickly leaves me alone.

Oh for god sake.

I climb into bed and turn out the lights. I secretly hope someone will join me so I don't have to be alone, if doesn't happen though.

After a few hours of tossing and turning I leave my room and head across the hall to Matteo.

He's not asleep, just sat up, texting. When he notices me, he opens the comforter beside him. I climb in beside him and he puts his phone down.

"How you feeling?" He asks and I just yawn, answering his question.

Matteo laughs and nods, getting the message

"Just sleep, you're safe here, no one's going to get you." He calms all my worries and I lie down.

I fall asleep, cuddling his pink stuffed bunny with the biggest floppy ears. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

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