The War

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*Lilly's POV*

I stayed in the bunker all night. James never came.

Soren came down at six o'clock in the morning. "The Alpha has instructed me to stay with you, no matter what. Sofia is on her way, so is Silver Moon. They should be here in the next hour or so."

I only nodded my head in recognition. I still couldn't believe they were coming. I didn't understand why. Jace had no claim to me, yet somehow in his warped and twisted mind, he thought he did.

Soren shifted into his wolf form. He had the most brilliant white coat I had ever saw. He bowed his head at me, then went and stood by the entrance to keep guard. Sofia was there seconds later, already in her wolf form. This was it. We would find out who would win this war today.


*James's POV*

I wanted to go see Lilly, to comfort her, but I hadn't had the chance. Silas and I spent all night preparing the pack and doing perimeter checks. We had sent one of the guys up to scout out his arrival.

"They're by the lake. They'll be there in under an hour at the pace they're going." He linked to me. I relayed it to the men.

Silas and I did one final round to ensure everyone was in position and knew what to do. When we were satisfied with their answer, we headed to the first phalanx of men and took our position in the back. It wouldn't be long now.

And, it wasn't. The enemy pack was there in minutes. We let them breach our lands, funneling them into our trap. Fifty wolves poured in on my phalanx. There were only twenty of us, but we had them down in no time at all.

"Spread out! Bring every last one of these so called wolves down, but no one is to kill the Alpha. He's mine!" I linked to my pack.

They all dispersed in different directions, and I went to find the Alpha. I had just rounded the creek when I saw his dull gray wolf. He was already drenched in blood, but I wasn't sure it was his own. He had the throat of one of my wolves. I charged him, but it was too late. He had already gotten the kill. I growled at him fiercely, and he returned it with a wolfy grin.

I barrelled into his side, sending him flying a few feet in the air. I took his back paw in my mouth and slammed him down, using the momentum of his fall to make the impact harder. He gasped and tried to stand. I bit into his stomach, effectively pushing him back to the ground. He shrieked, and the sound hurt my ears, causing me to lose focus.

He started to circle me, looking for a break in my stance or a weak spot to latch onto. He was having no such luck, until i looked to where my dead wolf lay. She had already shifted back into her human form, the entire side of her neck missing, but my good eyesight told me who it was. It was Tessa, Silas's 15 year old sister. I growled my frustration, but my lack of focus had let Jace get a chunk of my stomach fur and muscle. I managed to shake him off.

We circled each other a couple of times, but I was too angry. I charged him, grabbed the front of his throat and ripped it off. He yelped and stepped back. I had only gotten fur and a tiny amount of flesh. I stood on my hind legs, as did he, and we clawed at each other.

When he fell back to all four paws, I launched myself onto his back, biting and ripping out every chunk of meat I could get my mouth on. He dropped to his side, and I stood over him. I pushed my paw into his neck, cutting off his air supply. He tried to fight me off, but it was no use. I had him. I leaned down, bit off his ear, spit it on his face, and ripped out his jugular.

I stood back and watched as his blood pooled around him, but it wasn't enough for me. And, it certainly wasn't enough for my wolf. I howled long and loud, letting everyone know of my victory, then I ripped the bastard to shreds.


*Lilly's POV*

Even underground, I heard my mate's howl. He had killed Jace, but that didn't mean the fight was over.

"Go check and see how its going out there." I linked to Soren.

"The Alpha told me to stay here with you."

"I am your Luna, and I'm ordering you to go check."

"No. I'm not disobeying my Alpha , and I'm not leaving you."

I was going to argue with him, when we heard metal turning. "What's that?" I asked them both.

"They found us." Soren replied. "They're coming."

Soren and Sofia stood in front of me in a defensive stance. Two wolves that I instantly recognized dropped down the hatch. It was Erik and Julia. Sofia and Soren charged, wasting no time. The four wolves bit and clawed each other. I huddled over my pups, trying to protect them.

Soren was holding his own. He even had the upper hand through most of it. Sofia was faring so well though. She was trying her best. She was an excellent hunter, but she's never really been a fighter.

Soren was busy with Erik. He couldn't help her, so I had to. I lunged at her, barely managing to get a hold on the back of her neck. It was enough though. She lost interest in Sofia and turned her full attention to me.

I bit into her front paw, causing her to yelp. She quickly retaliated with a bite to the back of my neck. I pushed her off and growled. We fought for several minutes. Neither of us exactly winning. I was about to go for her throat, but I heard one of my pups whimper.

I turned my head in time to see a brown wolf picking Dustin up. I growled with all my strength, but the wolf ignored me.

My body started shaking. Blackness coated my vision, and a loud humming noise nearly deafened me. My skin was itching, and my lungs were on fire. I didn't know what was happening to me. The strange feelings continued for several minutes.

When it finally ended, I collapsed to the ground. My body was severely weak. I felt like I had just spent all my energy.

When I opened my eyes, Erik, Julia, and the strange wolf were dead. They had no obvious wounds and hadn't shifted back to human forms yet. Sofia and Soren had though, and they were looking at me incredulously.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Lil, what did you do?" Sofia asked.

"I don't know. This weird feeling overtook me when I saw that wolf with my pup. I blacked out, and when I came to, they were dead."

"No Lilly, not just them. Every single wolf from Silver Moon is dead."

I stared at her in disbelief. That couldn't be true.

I checked on my pups. They were all safe and sound asleep, cuddled up with one another. So, I shifted into my human form and climbed out.

When I reached the top and stood in the clearing, I couldn't believe what I saw. Sofia was right. Every single member of Silver Moon was dead. And, every single member of our pack, including James, were in wolf form and bowing to me.

What the hell was going on?! This was all too much! My body and mind couldn't take anymore. So, they gave out, and sleep overtook me.

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