Chapter 47: Keep It Simple

Start from the beginning

Red Hood: Take me to your leader!

Deserter 1: The only thing your about to take is a bullet! Why are you here!?

...Guess they didn't appreciate a little tension breaker...

Red Hood: Your deserters trying to escape the White Fang, so I brought you a present. Blake, open the bag and put it down, slowly.

Deserter 2: Before that, why the hell would you help us!? Everyone knows that you kill any White Fang you come across! What makes us different!?

Blake: He want's to help you! I deserted too and he spared me, so please believe that he wants to help!

This was why I wanted Blake with me on this. With her with me, they were less likely to just shoot and be done with it. Her speaking on my behalf would also keep their fingers off the triggers. A few of them lowered their weapons but there were some that weren't convinced. On the bright side, at least there's only seven rifles pointed at us now. 

Deserter 1: But why would he?! 

Red Hood: Because between her and Tuckson, they've shown me that not all of you are pieces of shit. 

Deserter 1: You know Tuckson?

Red Hood: ....I knew him....

My use of the past tense didn't go unnoticed. I didn't tell Blake about what had happened. In fact, I wasn't planning on telling her or the camp about what happened to him. The camp had gathered around to see why the armed sentries were ready for a fight. Hearing what I had said set the camp in a panic. 

Deserter 2: What happened to him....?

Red Hood: The White Fang caught on to what he was doing. The money is his.... I saw that he would come to this camp every couple of weeks and with him gone.... I figured he'd want the money to go to other folk who still had a chance to get out.

The sentries all looked between themselves with the rest of the camp before lowering their weapons. Blake was about to lower her arms when she noticed that mine were still up. I wasn't about to spook them and have someone get jumpy enough to start shooting. Before she could question why I was keeping them up, I spoke first. 

Red Hood: Give them the bag.

Blake walked slowly to the camp. Her seeing me being cautious was enough to keep her from letting her guard down. She opened the bag and showed them the contents. If I had to guess, it wouldn't be enough for supplies to get to Vacuo, but it would be enough for a trip to Mistral. That would arguably be the better place anyway. Vacuos' landscape itself would kill you well before bandits or Grimm would. Having lived in Vacuo for a time, I can say with certainty that I wouldn't recommend it under any circumstances except for the most dire. 

The contents of the bag were searched to ensure I wasn't trying to set them up. After being satisfied that we weren't a threat, the tone around the camp completely changed. We started as unwanted visitors, now we were heroes. Well, Blake was. I stayed out of the way, waiting for Blake to finish getting the adulations of the camp. We gave them a better chance, or A chance at surviving at least. 

To them, we were a godsend. Not that I saw it that way. Tuckson was still dead, and their survival wasn't guaranteed. All I did was attempt to make a shit situation to a slightly less shit one. Blake noticed that I was keeping away from the camp after she gave them the bag. I guess Blake, having excused herself, pried herself away from crowd and walked over to me. 

Blake: Why are you standing so far from the camp. 

Red Hood: I've done what I came here for. Now I'm just waiting for you.

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