You promised II Lando Norris

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I could see Lando's face of surprise at my response but as Daniel jumped up in excitement grabbing me and twirling me around in utter happiness I knew it was too late for me to take it back. "I LOVE YOU YESSS!" Daniel kissed my cheek. "THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST BOAT PARTY EVER!" He cheered before running off to the sim session he was late to.

As soon as we were alone Lando looked at me, his expression still one of surprise. "What did I do?" I whispered laughing in panic.

"Hey you'll be okay, I'll be right there and I won't let anything happen, I promise." Lando approached me, taking me into his arms and pulling me into a tight hug.


It felt weird, I hadn't worn a bathing suit in years, and even though I didn't plan on even dipping a toe in the water I still didn't want to be the odd one out in a yacht full of people.

"Ready to go?" Lando leaned against my doorway.

I gave myself one last look over the mirror, taking a deep breath trying not to break down at what was fast approaching. "Ready as I'll ever be I guess." I let out a shaky laugh.

Lando gave me a soft smile as he extended his hand out to me. "You'll be okay I.." Lando began.

"Promise?" You finished the sentence for him. His smile grew wider. "I know, I just can't shake off the feeling, I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I was honest.

"As long as you don't do it on me then it's fine." Lando joked making me laugh.

"Let's go then." he pulled me with him.

It all felt surreal, I couldn't exactly comprehend how I was about to do what I had been avoiding for years. I was about to put myself in a situation I swore I'd never get into again in my life. I was about to place myself in a setting I had nightmares about. I was about to spend hours aboard a boat, a boat that could sink any minute, a boat filled with people I cared for and loved.


Things were fine, I was actually enjoying myself, and being surrounded by so many people did help keep my mind off my fear. Despite it being a Daniel Ricciardo party it was relatively small with just his close friends and family being around and it had started off with lunch, us being served at the second level lunch space the boat provided. 

Despite the fact that I thought I wouldn't be able to stomach anything from the fear and nerved that consumed me Lando's comforting hand on my thigh allowed me to take in most of the food and truly enjoy it, the drinks provided helping to take the edge off. 

Unconsciously I kept a tight hold on Lando at all times, if his hand was on my lap I'd curl my hands around his arm, and if we were standing I'd still keep my hand curled in his, although Lando didn't seem in a hurry to let go of me either. 

Everything was relaxed music playing, Daniel doing and speaking complete nonsense which had everyone laughing in tears and you were proud of the fact that you were okay, your nerves were easing, and even though you were still on high alert you were allowing yourself to let go and enjoy. 

Hopefully, this could replace the horrible memories you had of being on a boat. 

"I need to use the bathroom are you gonna be okay?" Lando asked. 

"Yeah of course go." You offered him a reassuring smile even though nerves filled your stomach. 

"I won't take long, I promise," Lando repeated those two words once again. 

"So how long have you two been together?" Chloe Stroll asked. 

"Oh no we-" But before you could finish your attention was drawn to Daniel who was standing shirtless at the edge of the boat. 

F1 Imagines (BOOK 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz