Heartbeat II Mick Schumacher

Start from the beginning

Mick: Ok, good night 😇

You rolled your eyes but were unable to wipe the goofy smile off your face.


And Mick was right only a week after your last date you found yourself in the car with Mick as he took you to "somewhere special" resisting from telling you exactly where you were going. 

But as you pulled up to a large building you read the letters Crystal Bridge Museum across a sign. 

"You brought me to a museum?" You asked Mick who drove with one hand resting the other on your thigh making you extremely hot despite the frosty evening. 

"It's a special museum you'll see," Mick smirked stepping out of the car before opening the car door for you. 

He bought the tickets and you started the tour of the museum, Mick was right it was special, incredibly cute, and also romantic which you didn't expect, this man really did his research. It was already dark out by the time you and Mick were nearing the end of the museum exhibits and you were one of the few people left. 

Northern Forest Lights 

You read the sign atop the doors that led to an outdoor exhibit. Mick held your hand as you walked outside where you saw a large tree in the center and what looked like hundreds of mushroom-shaped lights surrounding it, there was a wooden bridge as a path that you followed. 

You walked across it but stopped in front of the tree where there was a pole with what looked like a censor.

Mick stood facing you still holding your hand just smiling down at you and you really hoped the darkness helped hide the redness creeping in your cheeks and butterflies. Mick took your hand and placed it under the censor and the mushroom lights lit up brightly making the whole place look like some sort of fairytale land, the lights faded in and out in a slow steady rhythm. 

"Wow." You looked around everywhere in awe before Mick held your hand away from the censor making the lights shut off again. 

"I really really like you," Mick spoke softly. 

"I kn-" 

"And before you can say I know...I know you really really like me too." Mick smirked. 

"Well someone's sure of themselves." You tried to avoid the statement. 

"You're not so good at hiding it you know?" Mick teased again. 

"I don't know wha-" Your breath hitched when Mick moved forward in a quick move cupping your cheek, bringing his face incredibly close to yours,  you could feel his breath on your lips. 

Without breaking eye contact with you Mick took your hand and placed it under the censor again, the place illuminated fully again but instead of the lights fading out in a slow steady rhythm they faded in and out at a quick pace, almost as if-

"Your heart's beating awfully fast." Mick smiled watching you realize what the censor was. 

"I-" You had no idea how to excuse yourself out of this one this time. 

"Did I do that?" Mick asked but you knew he knew the answer.

"Be mine? Please." This time Mick's eyes were pleading and maybe someone out there could be strong enough to deny those piercing blue eyes...but not you. 

This time you took Mick by surprise closing the distance between you and joining your lips with his. It felt like something out of a movie being able to tell how brightly the place illuminated even through your closed lids, the way the lights faded in and out seemed more like fireworks now than anything, a good representation of what you felt inside. 

"Yes." You replied breathlessly after pulling out of the kiss to catch your breaths. 

Mick's shocked expression was quickly replaced by one of pure joy as he closed the distance and was again capturing your lips with his in another deep kiss. "Your best friend won't be happy." Mick laughed your foreheads touching. 

"Maybe not... but I sure as hell am." You could swear your smile had never been brighter, the final piece of the puzzle falling into place. 

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