Gifts & the advent of a bigger evil

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Well! Then I guess there's a few stuff you need that will aid you in this quest. Follow me. He spoke and started to walk out of the throne room.

The kids followed Shazam eagerly, gifts were always a tempting. Walking deeper into the cave they passed by the mystic prisons that held some of the universes deadliest & most powerful of evils, the ominous waves of power that radiated off of these beings was enough to scare the bejesus out of everyone as they huddled closer to the hero. Soon they entered a completely new chamber, one full of magical artifacts.

Now first things first, don't touch anything. I am going to hand you all a few artifacts and weapons of great power so be sure to use them wisely & only when battling the sins and other mystic forces. Billy spoke as he lifted a huge golden helmet, a pink pen, a glowing purple orb, a sword and finally a box containing a glowing golden rock.

Izuku looked at them keenly, ecstatic at the power & the essence that radiated off those things. Momo seemed particularly fixated at the sword, it was by far the most beautiful & the most ancient looking weapon she had ever seen in her entire life.

Bill are you sure about handing off the helmet of fate & the godkiller to a bunch of children? A feminine voice suddenly broke through the silence & shocked everyone present there. They all collectively turned around to see the hottest, most drop dead gorgeous woman they had ever seen.

By Zeus Diana! You have to stop doing this. One of these days I'm gonna fucking have a heart attack also oh D these are Kami's friends from his universe, kids this is Diana Prince, the daughter of Zeus, the Goddess of War & the ambassador of Peace who is called the hero Wonder Woman in our world. Billy introduced them to the woman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Hello! I'm Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you.

Hey! I'm Katsuki Bakugou.

Hello ma'am! I'm Momo Yaoyorozu it is so good to meet you.

Kyoka Jirou. You are hot. The teenagers introduced themselves one by one & Kyoka earning a chuckle out of the goddess.

Hello kids! It was wonderful to make your acquaintance but pardon me, I need to drag his lazy ass back to Earth. Diana greeted everyone & ruffled Izuku's hairs.

Why? Asked Billy.

Braniac. So cut this short & send them home. Report at the watchtower in about 20 Earthling minutes & for gods sake start keeping your fucking intercoms with you. She opened a portal & walked into it. Leaving everyone stunned.

Okay guys! I really have to cut this short because Braniac is really, really bad news. That moron doesn't get tired of trying to eradicate organic life in its entirety. The sudden shift of urgency in Shazam's tone left everyone a little concerned.

Don't worry sir, please just guide us to where we came from. We wouldn't want to keep you occupied any longer while your world is at stake. Momo spoke.

To make things quick, this is the Helmet of Fate. It harbors the spirit of the Nabu. It is one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the whole multiverse. It finds it's own wielder so DO NOT try to wear it unless it comes to you Bakugou. The fact that you are able to even hold it means it is comfortable with you.

This is The Godkiller sword. It was forged by Hephaestus himself, this sword is extremely dangerous and has a plethora of magical powers that even I don't know. It does real justice to it's name, many gods & demons who are immortal have met their last breaths to this sword. Use this with extreme caution Yaoyorozu.

Jirou this is the quasi force. It is the only non-magical power but beware it is one of the most powerful cosmic powers that adjusts itself to the cosmic radiations of whatever universe it is used in. It is sound based and would suit you well.

Izuku first of all this is the Golden Kryptonite. It brings physiological changes & grants strength beyond your wildest imaginations. It crumbles after you use it on yourself & remember, the effects are permanent. Use it wisely because you'll never be the same again after you are granted the powers of a Kryptonian. Shazam handed off the artifacts to the respective children & explained it to them in a hurry.

Francesca send them back. Bye children! Your world depends on you. Tell Denki that I am sorry. Billy spoke softly as he hugged everyone.

Everyone stood completely silent and accepted their gifts & they were just about to speak something before they were surrounded by blinding white light. They opened their eyes to find themselves standing in the middle of their dorm hall. All the students looking at them as if they saw ghosts.

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Screamed Ochaco as she ran towards Izuku and started to pull & smash his cheeks to see if he was real.

Midoriya, Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, Jirou you are all under detention for the next week. Now would you all mind explaining where you were and what exactly are those things? Aizawa walked into the hall skeptically looking the artifacts.

Momo started to explain everything that happened in detail before there was another flash of blinding light and in front of them stood their classmate.

Kaminari??? Everyone screamed in unison.

We need to talk, right now! Kaminari spoke to Izuku.

Unknown location:

Yeah I'm dead, I should be dead. All For One thought to himself as he started to gain consciousness. He groggily opened his eyes only to see red as far as he could see. See? How can I see? I-I didn't have eyes left. Where am I?

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