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It was about 3 in the damn morning when Jirou put on a black fleece hoodie, warm black joggers and her running shoes as she decided to sneak out of her hostel and run all the way to the hospital Denki was in inspite of the chilling weather outside. She stepped out of her room and tip toed her away to the hall and was just about to pull open the main door silently when she felt a finger poke her shoulder, only to find Momo looking straight into her eyes with her right eyebrow upwards where do you think you're going Kyo? Going to see Kaminari-san I guess? She whispered only to notice Kyoka roll her eyes and nod in response then check her out from head to toe you are going to the same place too ig yaomomo? Never knew you cared so much about that idiot jirou whispered back as both of them stepped out but she did notice the blush on Momo's face w-well h-he did save us, s-so ig I-I owe him a visit and you're one to say as if I'm the only one sneaking out huh she spoke back only to get a contemplative look and a flustered blush from Jirou. The two quickly ran through the fields and, crossed the boundaries of UA, thanks to Momo creating a super trampoline that threw them right outside. Once they reached outside she saw Momo remove her hoodie, Jirou always had a thing for Momo too and that almost gave her a nosebleed w-what a-are you bloody doing momo? Jirou almost shouted only to get a sshh from Momo as he back began to glow sparkling white and a mothetfucking Ferrari B-985, 3012's most luxurious sports car came out of it and Momo put her hoodie back on, shivering due to the cold. She looked up to see the puzzled look on Jirou's face and asked what? I'm not walking 2 whole hours in this weather with just a hoodie and yoga pants on for gods sake. Now get in!

Jirou was in shock, how could the sweet and classy Momo drive like an absolute fucking maniac. She wasn't just driving the car, she was fucking flying it. The cat moved at such speeds that Jirou almost felt her heart explode at every turn they took and within 35 minutes they were at the hospital, Momo looked to her right to see Jirou look at her as if she just saw a ghost oh comeon, it's a sports car. What else do you expect? Now comeon. Both of them entered the hospital and were just about to go to the reception to ask for Denki's room when she heard sizzles of lightning coming from a room to the right on the 13th floor Momo, don't go to the receptionist, she might not even allow us. I can hear his lightning sizzle, follow me and to their surpise and fortune, the receptionist was fast asleep and didn't even bother to get up as the two girls walked right past him and stepped into the elevator. There is someone in Kaminari's room, I sense another heartbeat Jirou spoke as soon as they stepped out of the elevator alright! I'll go in first Momo spoke as she created a shield as she enter the room only to catch Bakugou and Midoriya there who mumbling and making frantic notes on his notebook who turned to look at them and almost stumble on a chair y-yaoyorozu, J-jirou! What brings you here? he said.

The same reason why you're here, A-all Might! Oh yes All Might told me something about him being some demigod something, what did he mean? Jirou frantically asked and all eyes turned to Midoriya and then the unconscious Kaminari who had sparka flying out of him in an instant but before he could answer a voice echoed throughout the room I guess I can explain that and then weird symbols started to appear on the hospital room door and smoke started to come out of the corners of it and it opened by itself, revealing not the corridor but something entirely different. Everyone stood there perplexed and looked at each other, even Bakugou for once had an expression of shock and not anger the f-fuck is that? he asked and the voice spoke again Don't be afraid Katsuki Bakugou, come on in there's alot to discuss

Everyone looked at each other one last time and they entered the doors one by one. W-what is t-this place? Midoriya stuttered and frantically looked around to see an endless number of doors, floating in the air with nothing on the other side of them. What's up with these doors? Yaoyorozu spoke as she opened one and was immediately greeted to an absolutely giant man dressed in suits and had a Crocodile head who immediately turned to see the girl and ran to pounce on her, Yaoyorozu and Midoriya shrieked as she slammed the door shut. In no time they felt the entire foundation shake as a deeper voice spoke this time Visitors! Please refrain from opening my doors and proceed to the throne room and touch nothing. The consequences are beyond your wildest imaginations and then the rumble tamed down to which Midoriya spoke d-did t-this p-place just speak? and then little sparks of lightning manifested in front of them and took the form of an arrow that directed them to the throne. Everyone silently followed the arrow, no one dared to utter a word and touch a thing, whatever they saw on the way made absolutely no sense there were paintings that moved, a pink pen that floated in the air with pink lightning dancing around it, a golden helmet floating with golden light radiating off of it. Each and every artifact radiated some sort of power, something they had never ever felt or seen. The next thing they saw were huge and absolutely terrifying stone statues of monsters with a glowing blue orb right opposite of it and right in front of them were 7 thrones, a huge mirror that showed the bloody galaxy? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHAT ARE THESE? WHERE ARE WE? And now Bakugou screamed.

A being materialized out of nowhere from sheer sparks, he wore a full red suit with Golden bracers and boots, a big lightning bolt on the chest and a long white cape. O-oh my god, it's y-you p-pro hero Shazam Midoriya spoke to which Shazam just gave a warm smile and said Indeed I am the sorcerer Shazam. Izuku Midoriya, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jirou and Katsuki Bakugou! Welcome to the Rock of Eternity. The center of the multiverse. And all four of them just stood there with their eyes and mouth ajar as they saw the stone walls around them turn invisible and multiple earths,  millions and millions of stars, multiple suns on all their sides and above them was a massive cluster of stars and light, what they didn't know was that it was the Big Bang they were right under.

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