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The news of Kaminari's demise was all over UA now, teachers, students of 1A and 1B both had snapped. As Izuku, Bakugou and Todoroki brutally wiped the floor with the villains they were battling .Everyone saw Monoma Neito walk towards the main battle field towards Shigaraki and Dabi, his head hung low as he grabbed him by the collar and copied their quirk. "He was one of the only friends I had, one of the only ones who never made fun of me. And now you killed him, big mistake. BIG MISTAKE" one of the 3 Gigantomachia's ran towards him along with atleast a 100 goons but no one could get past him.

An inferno of scorching blue flame shot out of his right side and his left hand met the ground just like Shigaraki himself did. Every villain including Gigantomachia looked at Monoma with sheer fear in their eyes as the heat around him was unbearable and anything that came close to him got utterly and completely disintegrated. Decay spread all the way to machia as the monstrosity turned into nothing but dust.

Then the skies roared for all their worth and the battle field froze for a good minute, all eyes were on the on the humongous bolt of lightning that had descended from the sky and to everyone's surprise it was the the same color as Kaminari's electricity and the shockwave felt more like a mega earthquake. All for One saw an opening as he used a combination of 10 quirks and hit All Might hard enough to send him up in the air and he himself followed but before he could land another blow a bolt of lightning hit him square in the chest and threw him back to the ground, making a huge crater upon impact.

Each and every fibre of his being hurt like shit lightning can't hurt me, my quirks make it sure then how? I- and all his thoughts came to a halt as he looked up towards the sky and almost gasped in fear, huge glowing lightning bolt on the chest, the radiation of infinite never ending mystical power, the cape, the glowing blue eyes they were all to fimiliar to him " No! I-it can't be, NO! you're not Shazam. His son, no I can't let you live. YOU ARE PEST IN THE EYES OF THE DEMON LORD HIMSELF! Worthless without your fathers powers. NO ONE HINDERS MY SYMPHONY!"

He screamed on the top of his lungs and activated Rivet Stab, tendrils of pure malice and energy shot out of him, hitting the Son of Shazam right in the chest in the blink of an eye with such force that the whole ground shook when Kaminari fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye All for One was in front of Kaminari and punched him straight through a skyscraper & into the sky. Kaminari's eyes just narrowed on him as his fists clenched.

"Kaminari?" Jirou Todoroki and Bakugou all said at the same time while looking at their friend who stood floated in the sky, yellow lightning covered every inch of his body except the skin on his face. There was a big lightning bolt on his chest that glowed with blue lightning and so did his eyes and a cape made of lightning itself. "Oh my god Sh-shaz-shazam?" Midoriya stuttered in disbelief. The lightning crackling all around Kaminari intensified and he broke the sound barrier from right where he was floating and came down straight on All for One punching him in the gut releasing another major shockwave and widening the crater. All for one felt all the air in his lungs escape as he passed out.

He flew a bit above the ground and grabbed the unconscious All for One by the collar and threw him up in the sky with such force that All for One exited Earth's atmosphere, breaking the sound barrier seven times. "MASTERRRRR! YOU HURT MASTER, I KILL YOUU" All the Gigantomachia clones yelled in unison before charging straight for Kaminari, who just simply flexed his palm and a huge bolt of lightning came out of it and tore through one of the Machias. He then flew to the second one in blinding speeds and punched him so hard in the face that the Gigantomachia broke to pieces. He saw two huge fists come down on him at the same time as All Might yelled "young Kaminari look out" Kaminari stopped both the fists with his bare hands before a faint whisper left his lips "Shazam" and two separate lightning bolts came down from the sky and turned both the Machias to ash. All Might heard the whisper due to his super hearing and just gaped at sheer disbelief as memories of his mightiest comrade came rushing to his mind. He grabbed Izuku and asked the rest of UA to retreat immediately.

"B-but Kaminari?" Jirou yelled as All Might spoke "he's a demigod, he'll be just fine NOW LEAVE. I'll bring him back, trust me" All Might turned to the remaining thugs who simply ran away as Kaminari flew towards All Might. The bloodiest battle ever fought was over as Kaminari and All Might looked each other in the eye, standing right in front of each other. "Y-young Kaminari?" All Might spoke softly to recieve a soft smile from Kaminari. "Help him learn his powers Toshi. I know I can count on you" a voice spoke inside his head and he immediately recognized it "Billy?" he thought back but the response he got was "No! Solomon" and the lightning all around Kaminari vanished and he fell unconscious and right into All Might's arms.

Allmight still stood there in shock, Solomon just talked to him.

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