Are you worthy?

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Kaminari twisted and turned on the bed before waking up with a huge gasp.

Was he dreaming or was it reality? Kaminari had no fucking idea. Darkness, pitch black and utter darkness all around him and for some reason it was too cold to bear with. Having electricity as a quirk, he had never felt cold all his life.


He shuddered, never had he ever heard a voice so full of malice and monstrous before. W-where am I? Who-who is doing this? He screamed as he looked around himself only to see darkness ahead of him, above him, beside him, below him and behind him.

Mmoocckeryyy! FEELS AWFUL

This voice was just as monstrous but way to shrilly, enough to make him grasp his ears in pain. But that was not it, then he heard another voice.

Your sister was killed right in front of you

And another

Her blood stained your soul

And another, this one was gruff. Suddenly a wave of bone freezing coldness ran through him, making his bones shake.


This voice was different too, HELP! WHO IS DOING THIS! STOP IT PLEASE he cried.


Again a different voice


This one was the scariest of all, malice, hatred and rage were dripping all over. Kaminari curled himself to a ball, his elbows around his knees as he tried to block away the voices.

We can give you power

A ray of light entered his vision, purple in it's entirely. It glowed with sparkling purple lightning all around it. Kaminari could feel the evil radiating off of it, he didn't want vengeance, he didn't want to rule anyone, he just wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to his friends

No! NOOO I-i d-don't care w-who you all are o-or w-what you can do. S-STAY AWAY f-from me he spoke as he ran, far from the light and deeper into the darkness. He tried to activate his quirk but it was just not happening.

He looked back but then he bumped into someone/something. Glowing red eyes surrounded him from all sides. Then the voices came to light, gained form. Monsters made of purple mist. He saw green mist form, the shape of a woman. USELESS MORTAL! SAY THE WORD she screamed.


They all screamed but Denki chose to run to the other side now only to bump into nothingness. Something like an invisible wall. He turned around, terrified to death.this this what is this? Where the fuck am I? What-wh-what are these things? WHAT WORD are the talking about.

The monsters got closer, tentacles wrapped around him as he tried to squirm his way out. They even wrapped around his neck, squeezing the choking the life out of him and screamed at him to say the word. Then he felt it, the familiar warmth beneath his skin grow uncontrollable. Lightning filled his scared yellow eyes as the monsters winced and hissed away before he let loose of his control over the lightning and exploded.

He woke up with a huge gasp, sweat all around him. He looked around to find himself in a hospital room, with multiple monitors around him and on his bed was Mimi's handbag T-that was no nightmare I am sure of it. Wait? Am I in a hospital? Is that Momo's purse? What am I doing here?

He unhooked all the drips connected to him, he scrambled off the bed and say the washroom door wide open. He chose to ignore it and turned to the main door but stopped as he saw weird symbols appear of the door and repeat themselves seven times before a bright white light came through the other end. Illuminating the hinges of the door and the majority of the dark hospital room. Denki grabbed the handle and felt a little spark hit him back but he absorbed it and pushed the door open.

An airborne bridge, it looked so ancient and was suspended on air over nothing. W-what? H-how? He thought as he continued to walk on it. Above him he saw the most mesmerizing cluster of stars and light. They looked so close. Everything surrounding him was Rocky, it gave him the vibe of a cave. He passed through a place where stood uncountable doors, each hovering in the air here and there just like some Harry Potter movie. He was a mirror too, he felt something radiate off of the mirror but he could not identify what it was.

As the path ended he found himself overlooking what looked like a throneroom, one that belongs to kings and queens. On his left were 7 pedestals, on his right were shattered glass flying around in circles. And in front of him stood an incredibly old man in a long white garb with what looked like a golden lightning staff in his hands. He had long white hair and a beard that reached all the way below his chest.

Kaminari Denki welcome to the Rock of Eternity the man spoke, his voice reflected ancientness and echoed throughout the throneroom. He stomped his staff to the ground and brilliant golden light rushed all the way to him as he tried to shield his eyes.

Denki Kaminari, The living lightning.Where stories live. Discover now