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For the first time ever Katsuki Bakugou had nothing to say, nothing to scream and nothing to crib about. He was completely and utterly awestruck alongside the rest of them.

Midoriya was in the same constitution as he spoke w-what exactly is this place sir? He asked Shazam who smiled as he told them everything about the Rock of Eternity, the big bang right above them and their current location

So you're not from our universe? You came there by accident while fightning a villain in your world and got stuck there and fell in love and had Denki! Okay I-i can comprehend that but WHAT THE HELL WE ARE IN A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE DEKU!! HOW WILL WE GO BACK And Bakugou spoke to the best of his temper in control while he kept shaking Izuku like a ragdoll.

Ka-kacchan! Izuku squealed. Yes sir h-how will we go back? Momo asked to which Shazam replied Don't worry about that, you'll go back just they way you came here. You see the rock of eternity is a hub, like a subway station if you will. It has doors and magical passages to every possible reality, universe, dimensions, pocket dimensions, any point in time. So you'll be able to go back and that seemed to ease everyone up as Midoriya stepped forward.

Sir wh-what is quirk if I may ask? And then after hearing Shazams explanation all of them fell pin drop silent s-so you are a g-greek god and magic is REAL?

This time it was Bakugou stuttering to which Shazam chuckled well! I mean kind of, I don't really like being called one. I have a mortal form so yeah, I started off as a normal powerless human and a wizard gave me my powers. I'm technically a greek god but I prefer being called a sorcerer.

Jirou was utterly out of words as her words gained everyone's attention that means Denki is not really human, is he? All Might said some word called demigod.

Shazam understood what she meant Miss. Kyoka within me runs the wisdom of Solomon, The strength of Hercules, The stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, The courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury. The very same runs in my son but his powers didn't properly activate until now. I personally triggered the activation as I felt his life force slip away, he did persist but he might not remember whatever happened. It was the wisdom of Solomon that fought with the villains. No one said a word, they all just stood there completely silent and it was Midoriya who broke it

a jewish king, a titan and four greek gods. O-oh-oh my god! Kaminari is an offspring between a human and a god, thus the term demigod! D-does he even know? He asked Shazam who just deeply sighed and shook his head denying the fact.

So that means he knows nothing of his power? Nothing of who he is and what he can do? Just, WHY? Bakugou screamed at Billy who just looked at the ground guilty.

His existence couldn't have been known in your universe while he was a baby, the olympians of your universe would've snatched him away and done what not to him but he is no longer a child and his powers couldn't be kept suppressed anymore. The inititation of his powers was inevitable and it sure didn't miss the eyes of the Greek Gods there and I honestly don't know how they might react. Bigger threats loom now, the seven deadly sins of your Earth are free and way worse than mine and even I couldn't contain them and neither could All Might. The Rock of Eternity exists in your universe but she didn't answer to me, I was not her champion, she would choose her own. The sins will attack out of the blue but heed my words kids, that's power beyond your wildest imaginations that he and you all will have to deal with so push your limits, cultivate your powers or quirks as you call them. Quirks when given right conditioning, can evolve to be much, much, much more powerful. Quirks are like skill sets that can be explored and evolved. All it takes is your dedication and creativity. Billy explained.

The children just stood there silently, absorbing what had just been told.

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