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He groggily opened his eyes only to see red as far as he could see. See? How can I see? I-I didn't have eyes left. Where am I?

The heat was unbearable, he had regained his vision and for some reason he wasn't dead. All for One tried to get up only to struggle as he figured out that he was strapped to a table.

He tried to activate his quirks to increase his strength and break free but the effort was in vain. He grew more agitated by the minute WHO DARES! He screamed.

I do came an eery voice, one laced with pure malice.

All for One turned his head to come face to face with being who looked like an actual demon from the most gorey of the comic books he read in his teens. I am Desaad, servant of Lord Darkseid. He spoke & with a flick of his fingers All for One found himself out of his restraints & on a balcony of a high tower facing the outside world.

Instant teleportation, how fascinating. I never knew such a quirk existed. He thought to himself as turned his gaze towards the world only to be truly surprised for the first time in the century long existence of his.

The skies were blood red with similar clouds & red bolts of lightning flashing around them. The whole landscape seemed more and more like an ants colony, bug like mutant creatures flew around doing chores they were assigned. Random pits spew fire all the way to sky & all over the place every now and then. Is this hell? He asked the thought lingering in his head.

Not exactly, you are on Apokolips. Home to the rightful master of the universe, the dark lord himself. The mighty Darkseid. Desaad spoke and All for One now found himself on the ground as they started to walk around the place.

Along the way he saw not an ounce of happiness, not a single smile and by the aura he could feel around himself he concluded that there was not an ounce of hope in this place. He was indeed on another planet.

But why would you show interest in me? All for One asked the being next to him.

Wise question mortal. It's a long tale so you must pay heed. We have conquered millions of worlds, razed them to the ground & erased countless civilizations in the search for the Anti- Life Equation. Millenia ago we stumbled upon your petulant planet and the equation was finally found. The Old Gods along with other forces waged war upon our lord and he was wounded with a powerful curse by Zeus & the wizard. The curse slowly ate away at his immortality and all that remains of him is his power trapped within the divinity orb. Desaad explained in great detail as he teleported them to a room where resting upon the air was an orb that glowed dark red.

All for One could feel the immeasurable power rolling off the orb in waves, he was enamored by it.

Out of all the life forms we encountered ever since our lords demise, you are the only being in the universe who's physiology is the most adaptable & thus we saved you from your death so that you may be granted these powers. Desaad spoke with malice laced in his voice, he deliberately left out the most important part, that his conscious would be wiped out and his body would be the new host of Darkseid.

All for One reveled in the offer, his greed for power getting the best of him. With the powers of a god, no one will be able to stop me! One for All is for children, I would be a god.

His thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt as chains as hot as the sun wrapped around ankles and his arms, suspending him in the air in with his limbs stretched apart.

Hey! What is the meaning of this? I thought you were giving me powers! Unhand me at once! All for One screamed at Desaad as he struggled against the bonds.

Oh I am, but I never said it would be painless. Desaad spoke with a monstrous grin as he closed the doors of the chamber. Screams of pain emerged from the chamber, screams so loud that and so painful that even the most torturous of deaths would seem like mercy.

We await your return, my lord. Desaad knelt in front of the statue of Darkseid, the army of parademons knelt along with him.

Desaad walked back to his lab when a familiar green glow surrounded him Congratulations on the new vessel Desaad. I hope you have kept your end of the bargain? Spoke Circe as she stood right besides Desaad.

Oh Circe I have, I have procured it in the physical world and it was no easy task to steal it from the nightmare realm but gladly I have Insomnia already recruited as our next Fury. He pulled out a glowing purple orb and handed it to Circe who marveled at it as if it were the most priceless of possessions.

Me, you, Insomnia and that useless oaf Steppenwolf. I am impressed that you were able to persuade Insomnia of all the beings in the beings in the multiverse, she is stubborn beyond belief. Now if you'll excuse me, I have another Fury to create. She let out a moan of satisfaction as she formed a portal and walked through it, leaving behind a maniacally laughing Desaad.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 10 ⏰

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