“Rain, have you seriously changed at all? Do you even realise why am I upset? Why don't I want that to happen?!” Phayu asked in upset voice while Rain clenched his hand tightly

“You don’t love me! At least I don’t think so! Why do you want to have a second chance? Tell me…” Phayu grabbed Rain and shook him as he questioned the omega who looked at him with teary eyes.

“I…” Rain was speechless, he had no answer. Phayu looks at Rain desperately but then lets him go and sighs, “We know what happened in the future! Since we have another chance, better we avoid it and be happy without each other…” 

Rain remains quiet while further making Phayu believe that his decision was right, Phayu stares at Rain longingly while omega was staring at the ground. Phayu shook his head and decided to give Rain some time alone. He was about to walk away when Rain grabbed his hand

Phayu looks at Rain’s hand then at Rain who was still staring at the ground, “Then let me love you, please. Phee was patient with me for so long, please don’t give up on me….” 

Rain looks at Phayu with pleading eyes while the alpha gives him a blank look, Rain wipes his tears and continues, “I promise you I will give up if things don't work between us, just give me a chance…” 

Phayu still remained quiet while Rain stared at him hopefully yet eagerly, Phayu sighs as he pinches his nose in frustration before looking at Rain, “Do whatever you want..”

The alpha walked out of the room, a few minutes passed and Rain finally collapsed on the bed. He closed his eyes in relief yet fear, relief that Phayu didn’t reject him directly and fear that he needed to prove his love to Phayu before the alpha completely gave up on him.

                                       Next Morning, PraPai woke up feeling confused and empty. He stares at the unfamiliar ceiling as the fragment of his dreams plays in his head. He recalled watching himself giving flowers to Sky on his graduation, the omega who was sad before, smiled brightly on receiving the flowers which made PraPai’s heart beat increase.

He saw himself excitedly following Sky who kept smiling while hugging the flowers and even kissed PraPai’s cheek before blushing and rushing away in embarrassment. He even dreamed about kissing the omega, it felt so real yet familiar at the same time. PraPai came back to reality when Sky whined and snuggled closer to him.

The alpha stares at the omega who was clinging to him, PraPai stares at Sky's peaceful face before gently touching him. PraPai was lost in Sky’s softness until he realised what he was doing and quickly pulled away.

PraPai quickly moves away and sits which waked up Sky too, Sky looks at PraPai in confusion and whispered, “P’Phai?” 

“Sky…I …” PraPai looked at Sky and remembered the dream of kissing him, he quickly looked away when he realised that he was staring at Sky’s lip. 

“Phee, are you okay?” Sky asked in confusion, PraPai nodded and quickly got out of the bed, “I … I need to use the washroom..” PraPai made excuses as he rushed to the washroom.

Sky watches PraPai running away in confusion while the alpha locks himself in the washroom and splashes water over his face to stop thinking about the dreams.

“Damn it! PraPai!!” PraPai slapped his face while staring at his reflection in the mirror with frustration. 

Ten minutes later, PraPai found Sky in the kitchen making tea. PraPai sat over the table while he watched the omega. Sky turns around and smiles softly as he looks at PraPai before placing tea in front of him.

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