Chapter 25

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    Three weeks had passed and I’ve been having the same dream over and over that Kendal feels we should tell Kal sooner than later. Kal already submitted his project and Kendal’s almost done with hers.

I'm already done and I found out the dragger was a love promise of an Egyptian Prince to the love of his life that he would always come back or wait for her for eternity.

The story behind it was interesting and I’d finished my presentation with the conclusion. In two weeks Alfie and Emma would be getting married. Kendal’s a month along now and a few days. I plan on submitting my own project tomorrow as I found conclusion today and just need to print out and submit.

Kendal came in with a trolley. "Kal's suspicious. You don’t come out of the room or go out with him, he feels you’re avoiding spending time with him."

"You know I am not." I countered, typing away on my laptop.

"Next week Saturday is going to be your second month together. Are you going to start another month with this burden? Plus Kal’s already submitted his project so whether the school want's it or not he’s graduating. Why don’t you tell him?"

I closed my laptop and ran a hand through my hair. "I’m afraid it’s going to put a scar on our relationship. What if he leaves me cause he’s disgusted or hates me. I don’t want that to happen." I said and Kendal sighed.

"Your fears are justified honey but you have to trust Kal, he can’t do that to you. He’ll get mad for some time but he’ll never hate or leave you. You mean too much to him." I tired to reason with her but I couldn't come to terms at what she was driving at.

"No, Kendal I’m not telling him." She suddenly looked angry.

"You prefer to keep having nightmares? Be my guest." She snapped and left the room angrily and I sighed hugging myself.

Lew called after that. We normally talk everyday. "Hey sweetie."

"Hi Lew."I tried to hide the sadness in my voice.

"You seem happier today."

"I’m almost done with my  project, I will be submitting tomorrow. I miss home like crazy but we can’t even leave the hotel." I whined.

"Don’t worry just a week more is all sweetheart. I miss you too, just can’t wait to have you here." He said and I laughed.

"What of Isla?" He went quite for a while.

"She’s peachy?... I don’t really know." He replied.

"What’s wrong?"

"Nothing, we just had an argument. She’s really getting on my nerves lately. She gets jealous easily and she’s insecure." He complained. "And she never get’s tired…. You know?"

I laughed. "Well, I can’t give advice to you. Our older brother seems to have pinned himself a pretty lady, why not ask him?"

He made thinking noises. "You know? I never thought about that but it’s true. Thanks sis, I owe you one."

"You‘re become brother."

"My regards to Kendal."

"Sure, my regards home."

"Sure." He mimicked me and I smiled, giggling. I disconnected the call later and concentrated on my project's conclusion. Kendal came in shortly after that and I relayed Lewis' message to her while we ate dinner in silence.

     "Orla! Wake up! You have to stop Kal!" Waking up to such was…weird. "Orla, c'mon."

"What is it now, Kendal?" I groaned.

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