Chapter 10

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As promised, here I am with Kendal at Kal's game, in his jersey but it's under my jacket.

"Ugh, I hate promises." I grumbled.

"And I hate mistakes." Kendal retorted.

"Must I?" I asked and she pushed me further into the room to a seat. Plus, this place is packed with people.

"You need to loose the jacket." She told me.

"Must I?" I asked again, begging with my eyes going wide.

"C'mon amber, loose them." She told me, her tone saying if-you-don't-loose-em-I'll-do-it-for-you.

I shyly took off the jacket and sat. I'm in Scott's jersey and it's huge on me. I only put on a leggings because it sure fit as a mini gown.

Yesterday, Alfie apologized and I told both Lew and him I was moving on. Lew was happy but Alfie still felt sorry. Lew brought Isla home.

She's quite the charm, I must say and she is petite with ginger hair and green eyes. She is cute making Lew and her the cutest couple.

Alfie revealed he's staying here for good, like Scotland. He's even looking for a suitable home and the planning for the wedding is coming big.

Mother's coming next Wednesday and not this week, Lew's mistake. The whistle brought me back to the basketball court.

I saw Kal, he looked to be looking into crowd for something or someone. He kept looking till his eyes met mine then he sighed, visibly relaxing. He smiled at me and I gave a small wave which he retuned causing eyes to look my way. I shrank at the glares.

"Glares off, sweethearts." Kendal told them. The glares reduced. I was grateful for that. I saw Kal take out a red band and put it in his hair packing it in a bun. There is nothing special about a guy packing his long hair in a bun, what was special about this was that I recognized that band.

The game started after the whistle, jocks running and passing the orange looking ball to each other. I recognized Kal's team from the 'Ace' sign on their white jersey.

Kal's team was good but the other team with a 'lion' sign was likely better. The game got me on my toes. "What's going to happen Ken, what's going to happen?" I ranted holding her hand tight in mine my right knee bouncing.

"First, my fingers are going to pop out of their sockets and I won't be able to write again." She gritted her teeth at me make me leave her hand.

"Sorry." I apologized in a mumbled and she sighed flexing fingers.

"It's not okay, you owe me ice pops." I smiled making her smile. "It seems Kal's team needs a boost or something. They are lagging by six points." She explained.

My fingers curled around the hem of the jersey. "C'mon Caleb, you can do it!" I said that rather loudly and it seemed to worked. Kal made the basket from the middle of the court adding three marks to their points. He smiled up at me before moving on to get the ball again.

He yelled somethings to his team mates and they all went around trying to make a formation or something. After a while, they made another basket but they still needed about two points to beat the other team.

The game continued, each of them blocking the other from winning. It was so intense, I think I broke a sweat. Kendal grumbled some colourful words, like, it ran in their family.

"I can't see anything, let's move forward." Kendal said and she dragged me with her to the second row where we sat. I had better view here. And on the second board the time read fifteen minutes.

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