Chapter 13

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     I kept shaking, he’s going to cut himself. "So tell me, do you care or not?" He simply asked and my voice kept failing me. His eyes left mine to the razor as he pressed deeper and I finally snapped and went closer to him, talking the razor away and throwing it.

"I do care, damnit! I care about you so much, I can’t even bare to see a bruise on you and you want to cut yourself?" I yelled at him before hugging him. "Don’t ever do that again, Caleb. Don’t do that." I said into his neck.

He hugged back, tighter than I did him. He first breath in my hair, then he buried his face in my neck. "I won’t ever, I promise." That made me relax letting rational thoughts course through my head.

I’m in home room, in front of a crowd. I instantly started withdrawing, he got the message too and released his grip on me. Then I hit him across the arm. "That’s for scaring the be-Jesus out of me." I added.

"Ow, I deserved that." He laughed.

"Why did you beat that guy up?" I asked and his hold, that I didn’t know was still around my waist, tightened I looked down to his arms around my waist, then back at him.

His eyes were fogged over with anger. "Caleb." I called his attention.

His eyes snapped to mine. "We have a small audience." He said lowly before dragging me with him. We got to a quiet place where we sat.

I now noticed Kendal. "I know the both of you are trying to get things on line but Kal you’re still my cousin and you Orla, are my best friend. I also worry you know." She explained then Kal stood up to hug her.

"Just say you’re jealous she cares about me more." He  teased, squeezing her.

"You wish." I laughed at how childish they were.

"Sorry Kendal." I said in sincere apology before the events of today hit me like a rock. "Oh shit, that reminds me….shit, I’m so dead." I said the latter to myself.

I just gave them another scene for ‘Red series'. I kept that for later then I focused on Kal. "Kal, you wanted to tell me something?" I urged then he came to sit, Kendal too.

"I…." He took my hand. "I saw you and Cyril earlier." He squeezed my hand. I didn’t like how he handled you and I couldn’t do anything. I was angry at myself and that guy got in the way frustrating me even more, so…I transferred aggression." A weak smile formed on his face. "For a second or more, it felt like I was hitting Cyril." He explained.

I could remember the scene with Cyril. He must have seen us kiss and when he told, me he loved me, that was the only time he rough handled me.

"I’m sorry." He apologized then I faced him.

"It was wrong. You shouldn’t have hit someone else. But right now, I don’t have the strength to be mad at you." He smiled gratefully. "Do…do you know about ‘Red series'?" I asked him and his face contorted to be confused.

I took out my phone and searched it up. It had a lot of episodes and the cover and Ad cover had my face, Kal’s and Cyril’s on it. "What the fuck is this?" Kal asked.

"Apparently, it’s the movie someone is making about Orla’s life." Kendal replied. The picture made it seem like I was with Kal and Cyril was trying to get my attention.

I clicked on it, it had over two million views. It started  the scene with Gina then when Cyril joined us at our lunch table, then the night of the party while at the room, doing truth or dare, then the scene with Kal, then the time Cyril comfronted me, then the small misunderstanding with Bridget, then the scene at the basketball game and clinic, then my fight with my ex- bestfriend, then my talk with Cyril and Kal today. They’re really making a movie out of me. I’m dead.

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