• ~ Chapter Eight ~ •

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The ride down was bumpy, and I was convinced it was not safe. The entire short ride down Tommy managed to get out his entire life story, from his birth to when he and Wilbur made a nation to present day, when it all fell. I preteneded to pay a lot of attention to what he was saying but he was a horrible story teller, he would go from talking about how much he loved his disk before jumping to stories of my dad and him.

Wilbur on the other hand was completely different, he didn't talk almost the whole time, only jumping in when Tommy made a mistake about their history.

Soon we came to a quick stop, causing me to stumble forward lightly, bumping into the wall. The tall brunette took lead and pushed open small metal grates that worked as a door, beyond the small confinement of the elevator a beautiful place laid.It seemed to be a ravine, decorated and lit with beautiful decorations, rickety wooden bridges splayed out withing the caves, attaching the systems together. Small lanterns and torches hung from the large ceilings and on the walls.

I took a intake of air at the pure beauty of it and smiled softly, "Its beautiful."

"Yea!" Tommy said clearly proud of his hard work.

"Let's go Safrina I'll show you to your room." Wilbur said. "I have some clothes and things that have been ready for you."

"Okay," I started following him before stopping.

"Is everything okay safrina?" Wilbur asked.

"How did you know I was going to be here? I mean like how come I have my own room and my own stuff like you knew I was going to be here, dad said it was a last minute thing because I was in danger." I said quietly, shuffling my feet in thought. My tail stopped moving entirely, a sign my whole body was focused on something in my head, a sign I was thinking really hard about something.

Wilbur dropped his head down before raising it and looking me in the eye, "I'm sorry safrina but your father is a very dangerous man, and people are out for him, and now you too. We where planing on coming for you the night you had your first encounter with dream, but since your dad couldn't find you when I was there I left, and we decided on a different day, and then you saw him again, and we couldn't wait any more." he finished pushing his glasses farther up in his nose.

I sighed lightly and shook my head, "Okay Wilbur, thank you."

"It's not a problem." Wilbur said as he opened the the door to my room.

I closed the door after him and looked around, there was a small cot in the corner of the stone room, beside it a dark barrel with a lantern sat. On the other side of the room a small area was carved out of the wall, presumably a closet. I sighed and sat my box on the floor and flung my bag off before falling onto my bed, my sore muscles groaning.

It was late and all I wanted was a nice meal and a warm shower. I sighed and crouched down rolling onto my bed/cot. My legs where super sore and stiff from riding on a horse all day long, the only time I bad gotten a break from the constant sitting was when carl had gotten spooked from a piece of trash flowing through the air. I layed down on to the bedroll and stared at the ceiling before feeling my eyes get heavy. Eventully giving into the sleep I rolled over and rested for as long a possible.

"Dad? Dad? Where are youuuuuu." I giggled. Looking over to the curtains, I giggled as I saw a pair of shoes sticking out. "Boo!" I yelled as I yanked open the curtains revealing the pig man.

"You found me!" he said.

-end of flashback-

I jerked up, remembering where I was before sighing and thinking about my flashback. I was probably around 5 at the time. Oh how I misse the good old days. I frowned and sat all the way up after thinking I heard something shuffling around making, I shivered and ran my hands over the back of my neck, goosebumps prickled over my arms and legs. My ears twitched uncomfortably and I stood up slowly, peering around my room, trying to make out the shadows in the dark room. I raised my eyebrow and slowly made my way over to the closet.

"Hello?" I whispered, it almost looked like someone was standing in it, a very tall and familiar looking someone. I yelped and jumped back quickly, my leg catching on a stray rock. I tumbled to the ground quickly looking back up, my eyes wide with fear.



AN- heyyy, if you come from my og story this chapter might seem kind of familiar,

If you are reading this thank you so much!! Please please pleasePlease please pleasePlease please pleasePlease please pleasePlease please pleasePlease please please tell me if I make a mistake or you have suggestions/questions!!

!!Sorry this is a shorter one!!


Word count: 879

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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