• ~ Chapter Four ~ •

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I hummed happily and pulled my hair into a messy bun atop my head, sticking two chop sticks to hold the loose strands in.

Today I had a plan, whilst Dad was gone I was going to go on a walk. By myself, it may not seem like a big deal but I have to be very carful to not be caught by anyone. Like no one can even get a glimpse of me.

I nodded to my reflection, my ice blue eyes staring right back at me. I was wearing a pure white hoodie with custom made armor. My chest plate was a lightweight mix of netherite and leather. Creating a durable chest plate but still giving me the gift of movement. I didn't bother with leggings or boots because those slowed me down even more.

For pants I was just wearing black loose fitting cargo pants and plain white tennis shoes so I could run if needed. I'm case of the event I am spotted I can not fight unless it is a last resort, that just gives them a better view of my face, if I run all they see is the backside of my head. Easy.

Awhile back my Dad had made me a animal mask similar to his becase I had envied his so much. I was going to have a exact replica of his but smaller but then we decided on a tiger one. The upper part of the face is fastened on with leather straps and elastics, and the bottom half was tied on with leather strips so it wouldn't break off, the mask when completely on would look like the tiger was roaring, I personally think that's better than a pig mask.

I hadn't been able to really use my mask except for when I was training or doing things outside, just incase someone was watching.

After a fastened on my mask I grabbed my trident that my father had also gifted me, engraved onto the handle it said, loyalty and mending in enchantment table language. I planned on getting more enchantments on it but I hadn't had the time.

The last thing before I left I decided on wrapping special bandages around my palms and wrists, when I want to travel unnoticed I would use the cover of the trees to aid me. That means latching onto scratchy bark, and I didn't want any splinters.

I opened the door and stepped out into the crispy air, the snow hadn't fallen in awhile so that means I could walk on actual ground. The air was still chilly unfortunately. Not a lot you could do about it when you live in a snow biome.

Checking my surroundings I took off into a light jog to make it to the trees faster. The first tree I saw I jumped into the air latching onto the first branch and hoisting myself up. Once I was on it I crouched and steadied my body, using my tail for balance. My sights where set on the next branch, a larger one protruding from the tree higher up. I dug my heels into the tree bark and leaped into the air stretching my arms out to grab onto the branch without falling, I unfortunately overestimated and slammed into the tree branch, I wheezed out a breath and repeated the same process over again until I made it to the top of the tree.

I perched on the last branch of the tree and took a deep breath of the fresh air, basking in the little bit of warmth the sun provided.

Once I was on the first tree I could easily jump from branch to branch, soon I got into a rhythm. Jump, land, balance, jump, land balance, over and over again. I soon started going so fast my brain wasn't even registering what was happening, my body completely took over moving at a inhuman pace.

I felt alive and free, for the first time in awhile. I was happy content.

Like all things it didn't last long, before I could even register what happened someone stepped out in-front of me, sword drawn and in a defensive stance.

I yelped in surprise and lost my footing, sliding off of the branch I was on and slipping off towards the ground. Time seemed to slow down, as I neared the ground, I closed my eyes, preparing for impact.

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