• ~ Chapter Two ~ •

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(Safrina is now a toddler)


Her shrieks of pure joy warmed the air around us as she ran circles around the house Phil following close behind her. I sat on the couch by the fire just enjoying the moment of peace within the Blade household. I'm not sure how long this peace will last, I hope forever. But Safrina isn't supposed to be alive, no one knows she exists except for me and Phil.

We keep her in secret with fear of what would happen if the wrong person found out I had a child. Sometimes I think it's unfair to bring a daughter into the world when she can't fully experience life. I will have moments of regret of having her when I have to look her in the eyes and tell my baby girl that she can't come to the market with me because her dad is dangerous and people aren't nice. Maybe those moments are right, but it's times like these where I couldn't imagine not having her.

She has grown a lot since she was a baby, her tail has grown long enough to slightly drag on the floor when she would walk and luckily she didn't take after her dad with the boar tusks. Her mothers ears are growing beautifully on her, she keeps on asking me to get them pierced like her moms where.

It seems as though her icy blue eyes are getting lighter and lighter by the second, she takes after her mom with those blue orbs. When I look at her all I can see is her mom,


Her name rolls of my tongue beautifully, just like her moms did. Safrina will grow to be a mighty, beautiful warrior. I can tell already, in the way she will almost always be moving, playing, fighting.

"I got you!" Phill yelled out tickling her and spinning her around in circles.

"Daddy! Help!" She yelled half laughing with joy. I grinned slightly and got up walking to them but stopping before she could reach me.

"Hmmm, I don't know.." I said acting like I was thinking really hard about if I should save her.

"Daddddddd" she yelled wriggling around in Phil's arms.

"Okay, I guess I will save you." I grinned, scooping her up and twirling her around.

"You saved me!" She said happily burrowing into my chest. "We should play again." She said quietly.

"I don't think so little birdie we are going to lay down." I said chuckling lightly at her, she still wanted to play even though she was about to pass out from exhaustion. She mumbled something incoherent before closing her eyes all the way and practically fell asleep right there and then.

I smiled lightly down at her and carried her up to her small room, placing her in her bed and bringing the covers up to her chin. I stepped back and turned off her bedside lantern before kissing her on the forehead and brushing small strands of pink hair out of her face.

I was about to leave the room when I heard her sit up in her bed.

"Daddy?" She said sleepily.

"Yes" I asked turning back around and shuffling to beside her bed again. "You need to go to sleep." I said as she layed back down.

"What was mommy like?" She asked half lidded.

I widened my eyes in surprise and sat down slowly beside her bed. "She was wonderful, beautiful, kind. Like you" I said mentally congratulating myself for my choice of words.

"Hm, what did she look like?" She asked quietly.

"She had long brown hair that went down to her hips and her skin was a tan color." I said nodded to myself with my description. "She had the same eyes as you and her ears where also pointy, like you" I ended.

"She sounds really pretty" Safrina mumbled quietly.

"She was, just like you." I said looking at her half asleep figure.

"Hm" she mumbled yawning before falling asleep at last.

I myself was exhausted, who knew having kids would be so tiring. I sat there and looked off at nothing in particular, resting my head back against her bed frame.


AN- OKAY this was the last short chapter for a little while and next chapter she will be older 13-14
If you see any mistakes don't think twice about correcting me!

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