• ~ Chapter Three ~ •

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Safrina is now 13-14


Safrina POV:

I groaned in boredom and threw the book across the room. I had read that book 10 times at least, Dad really needed to go to the market. I was bored out of my mind and nothing could stop that feeling. I had read all of my books, drawn and painted all of my supplies away, and I'd trained until the dummies were all destroyed. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go.

I wish I could go and hang out with my friends, but I don't have any. I'm not allowed to. Dad says that it's too dangerous and people would hurt me.

I sighed in frustration and ran my hands through my hair, deciding to busy myself braiding it. My hair was stupid long, dad didn't know how to cut hair. Or do anything with hair except for braid for that matter. My mom was the hair person and when she died Dad hasn't wanted to even touch anything to do with hair.

I stood up and walked up the stairs from my room, running my hand across the wall as I went. The bumpy texture of repainted walls sent vibrations down my arm. I shivered and shuffled to the kitchen, Dad was home somewhere, if I had to guess he was farming. Potatoes.

Not really a surprise, that's all we seemed to eat around here. Potato chips, potato salad, raw potatoes, cooked potatoes, boiled, baked, salted, and the list goes on and on. It was getting quite tiering eating the same thing over and over again.

Once again Mom was the cook, she kept him from cooking only potatoes, and like I said earlier when she died he didn't want to cook anymore.

The loss of my mother affected him really badly, I don't remember it, I was only a baby. It didn't really affect me other than the fact I grew up without a mom. So that means I'm just like my dad. Other than loving potatoes.

I like potatoes don't get me wrong, I still have the same blood as him. I just hate eating it all the time.

Huffing in annoyance with how many times I said potatoes I opened the fridge and peered inside, praying for something good.


Yogurt, I loved yogurt it was my hands down favorite food. I happily grabbed the food before getting a spoon and sitting down at the counter. My legs swung with joy.

I don't know when he went and got this, but I sure am enjoying it.

I was enjoying it before it was over, my metal spoon hitting the bottom of the plastic container. You know the feeling, reaching down to get more popcorn to only realize it was empty, and now your hands are covered in butter and salt. Yea, it was that, but with yogurt.

As I was spacing off about how much I love yogurt, the door slammed open, hitting the wall behind it.

Jumping with surprise I whipped around quickly.

"It's just me," A monotone voice said. I sighed in relief and stood up to go greet him at the door.

"Hi, Dad!" I sang, throwing myself in his arms.

"Hey birdie, how was your day?" He asked hanging up his mask, and cape, and setting his boots by the door.

"It was okay, really boring," I said emphasizing the really. "Oh! But I found yogurt!" I added happily, reminiscing on the taste of the yogurt.

"That's great, I was wondering when you were going to find it." He said snapping me out of my trance about yogurt.

I nodded my head eagerly and followed him around the house as he did his normal routine, babbling about how good yogurt was and that he should get it more often.

"Mmhmm, that's great birdie." He said as he started to skin potatoes. I stopped mid-sentence and leaned over the counter to get a look at his face, something was off.

I met his blood-red eyes and squinted at him as he made eye contact before quickly flicking them back down to what he was doing.

"What's wrong? I asked suspiciously, leaning even further over the counter, my legs were off the ground now. The tip of my tail was barely touching the hardwood floors.

"Nothing." He deadpanned.

"Yeah, sure nothing" I rolled my eyes and swung back on my feet. My tail swung with annoyance. I crossed my arms and arched an eyebrow at him. When he finally met my eyes he sighed and put down the knife he was using to now chop the raw potatoes.

"It's nothing really, now can you please get out another potato and skin it, along with the carrots."

I sighed in defeat and slowly shuffled over to busy myself with the tasks he had given me. As I was walking past him to get to the trash can I quickly flicked out my tail and slapped him in the leg.

He grunted and turned around to glare at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk, whistling a little tune.

Once I was done with what was needed I crawled back down to my cave, ahem I mean bedroom, and flopped down onto my bed, playing with the end of my tail, the fur was soft and calming. It lessened my boredom, just a little. Definitely not enough for me to not be bored at all anymore though.


AN- okay so next chapter will have actually fun stuff happen but I need to build a FOUNDATION okay a FOUNDATION (and the chapter will be longer)
Vote if you liked to boost my story and thanks if your reading this :)



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