• ~ Chapter Six ~ •

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I quickly spun around and and opened my hand in front of me, calling to my trident.

On my bed was a very relaxed dream, his body sprawled out on my twin wized mattress. He had his hands behind is head and was angled slightly to the side.

What would normally be the feeling in my hand of the trident making its way towards me was replaced with a tugging feeling, a sign it was stuck, and trust me my trident doesn't get stuck so easily.

I furrowed my eyebrows and tried calling for the weapon once again. Only for the other side of the bed dream wasn't occupying to light up and make thrumming noises as it strained to reach me.

He seemed to notice my distress and chuckled sitting up and swinging his legs over my bed into a sitting position, my trident in his hand firmly.

"What are you doing in my room." I demanded taking small steps towards the door behind me. This move however did not go unnoticed by dream as he started to stand up, using the my weapon as a sort of cane.

I opened my mouth to yell for my dad but the words died almost instantly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and reached for my throat. Trying again all that came out was a small wheezing sound that came from deep within my chest.

Okay, back to plan A. I turned around quickly and made mad dash for the door.

Time seemed to slow down, I was so close, each step took me closer and closer to freedom. As I got closer I threw my hand out and right as my finger tips brushed against the metal doorknob I was violently jerked back by the hood on my sweatshirt.

I flew back and landed with a thud against the hardwood floor, I quickly sat up and scrambled over to the other side of the room, he slowly stalked over to me, a dangerous aura radiating of off him.

Baring my teeth, I crouched down lightly, my tail swinging dangerously behind me. I felt my fingers elongate and sharpen, a perk I inherited from my dad. The tips of my fingers slowly turned a white color and medium sized claws sprouted out.

Flick, flick.

The sounds of my tail lashing from side to side filled the once quite air.

Dream stalked forward and mumbled something under his breath before snapping his fingers. I tilted my head to the side and raised a eyebrow in confusion.

The air around us was tense and restraining. It felt as if the walls itself where closing in on us.

My questions about Dreams previous actions where quickly answered when he discarded my trident to the side with a loud clang. I chuckled and lifted my hand to call on my weapon when something strange happened.


No pull of the trident being stuck, no tingling feeling of my trident making its way. Nothing.

"You disenchanted it!" I said loudly, surprised by my own voice.

"How can you talk?" He rumbled.

My eyebrows where raised in shock, and my mouth hung agape. Dream stopped right in front of me, his mask just inches away from my face.

"Dad!" I screamed as loud as possible, quickly recovering from my shock. "Dad hel-" The rest of my words where muffled as dream slammed his gloved hand over my mouth, turning his head quickly to the side to face my door. I raised my hands and tried to pry his hands from my face, attempting to use my claws to break through the leather of his gloves. just for him to grasp my wrists together with his other free hand.

I yelled angrily against his glove, squirming uncomfortably. "Will you stop that!" He whisper yelled knocking my head back into the wall. I groaned in pain, he did that just to annoy me. I growled and forcefully bit down on his leather gloves, my sharp canines breaking through the tough material.

He yelled in pain and quickly retracted his hand, I took this as my opportunity and used the bed frame beside me to keep my balance so I could kick him. I lifted up my leg and reeled back, my heel making contact with his stomach.

He grunted and took a couple slow steps backwards, taking in small quick breathes.

I sprinted quickly to the door, successfully opening it and running down the hall, my feet heavily pounding on the hardwood floor.

"Dad! Where are you!" I screamed rounding the corner quickly. I slammed into what felt like a brick wall.

"I'm, here. What's wrong" My dad said franticly, his gaze hard as he inspected my face for any injury's.

"Dream was in my room!" I said quickly jumping slightly as I pointed down the hall. "He unanchanted my trident! Can you believe that?!" I said, my hand flopping back down to my side.

He nodded his head slowly and scooted me to the side. "Stay." He grumbled as he stalked down the hallway. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, feeling a sudden twist in my gut.

My dads footsteps slowly became quieter as he neared my room. I nervously poked my head around the corner of the hallway, playing with a frayed end of my white hoodie sleeve.

"Dad?" I asked quietly, my nerves spiking uncomfortably. "Dad!" I said louder this time when I didn't get a response. I quickly looked around me before sprinting down the hallway sliding into my room.

I sighed in relief and held a hand to my chest, my racing heart slowly calming down.

In front of me was my dad crouching in my room, seemingly focused on something on the floor.

"What?" My dad said, standing to his feet.

"Nothing, you just didn't answer me." I said quietly once again opting to the loose string on my hoodie.

He sighed and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry that happened to you." He said softly.

I slowly looked up to meet his eyes and sniffled, holding in tears. He seemed to notice this and pulled me into his arms, his large build engulfing my small form.

I sniffled again burrowing into his chest and wrapping my arms around him. "Are you okay?" he asked pulled away and holding me by my shoulders at arm length.

My eyes glossed over and I mentally prepared my self to answer. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth, only to close it again. I don't think I could form words.

I swallowed and once again attempted to speak, anything would have worked. A simple yes or no. No what came out of my mouth.

A pitiful whimper.

I mentally cursed myself for my weakness. My dad slowly nodded his head before pulling me back in for a hug, stroking my hair and murmering words of sympathy to me.

I'm not sure how a giant wet mark appeared on his shirt. Right where my face was.


AN: Relatable

Word count: 1184

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