Chapter 15: Aftermath

Start from the beginning


They were too far behind everyone else and eventually, they made it back to the viewing area. Mokuba's eyes opened tiredly as Rain ran to his side.
"Rain?" He groaned.
She hugged him, relieved. "Thank the gods. You ready to get out of here?"
"Not without Seto. Where's my big brother?"
"He's somewhere in the castle." Yugi explained. "We'll find him. I bet he already knows you're safe."
"Yugi. Joey." Croquet greeted as he stepped out of the darkness. "Due to his illness, Mr Pegasus will be unable to attend."
"Ya ask me, it's just a lame excuse to avoid payin' off on the prizes!" Joey complained.
"All prizes are still to be awarded. Yugi has already received his agreed-upon award of 3 freed souls and the release of the Wayfarer Archive, but in addition, there's this."
Croquet held out a card that neither Yugi nor Rain recognized.
"What is it?" Yugi asked.
"It is a card called the Ties of Friendship. It's the only one of its kind, hand-painted by Pegasus himself. I was instructed to deliver it personally to Yugi Moto." Yugi took the card as Croquet pulled out an envelope from his suit. "You are now, officially, King of Games. This contains the check for the prize money won by Yugi in his duel with Joey Wheeler."
The two boys looked at each other and Yugi smiled. "It's all yours, Joey, just like I promised.l
Joey nodded and smiled gratefully at his best friend. "You're the best, Yuge!"
After Joey took the check, Croquet turned and walked away. "Now, we'd like you all to leave. Ms (L/N), I have been informed that your grandfather will be arriving soon along with a team of Wayfarers."
She winced. "Oh that is going to be the longest, most awkward helicopter ride in my life."


After some time searching, eventually, Kaiba turned up, leading to a heartfelt reunion between the brothers. When they parted, Rain also got a hug from Kaiba.
"You know, if you hadn't gotten your soul sucked out, I'd be pulling your ear off for the trouble you caused!"
Kaiba rolled his eyes. "As if you could reach."
She parted from him and stamped her foot. "Maybe next time, listen to me."
He absolutely wouldn't and Rain knew that, but there was nothing she could do. She was glad the jerk was safe though. Kaiba then turned to Yugi.
"Thank you, Yugi, for saving Mokuba's soul. He means everything to me."
"How could I do anything else?" The shorter male put forward.
"And I am grateful, but because of our circumstances, our last duel was not really conclusive."
"Seemed pretty conclusive from where I stood." Rain snarked as Yugi smiled at her.
"It's fine, Rain."
"One day, we will meet in the arena again to decide which of us is truly the better duelist." Kaiba declared. "And one of us will walk away with pride."
Yugi nodded in agreement as Kaiba turned to walk away.
"Come on, Mokuba. Let's go. The copter's waiting. Rain, you may join us if can."
"Don't worry about me." She assured. "Gramps is on his way and if I try to weasel out of that lecture, it's only gonna be worse later."
Kaiba nodded as Mokuba gave her a big hug. "Bye Rain! Say hello to Carter for us!"
The Wayfarer waved them both good-bye and moved to stand beside Yugi. The two smiled at each other as their spirit companions materialized beside them.
(Y/N) smiled softly at them both. "Well done, both of you. You saved everyone."
"We all did." Yugi assured.
The male spirit nodded in agreement. "Indeed. You two saved us plenty of times. I don't want to know what would have happened if you weren't there."
"Aw, don't give it a thought." Rain brushed off. "I'm sure you would've willed yourself out of that tight spot with Pegasus and other's strength would've reach yo-, you know what? No."
"Rain?" Yugi blinked as she pointed at the male spirit.
"He needs a name."
Both males looked at her in confusion as (Y/N) chuckled.
"Rain, is that really necessary at the moment?"
"Yes it is! We can't just keep referring to him as the spirit, Spirit of the Puzzle, or just him! You have a name. It will make it way easier to communicate. We do not leave this spot until he has a name!"
The others burst out in laughter at her outburst, but the Wayfarer girl seemed adamant about this.
(Y/N) swallowed her chuckles as she composed herself, looking at her male counterpart. "I do suppose it would make conversations easier if we knew what to refer to you as."
The male spirit sighed. "While that is true, unfortunately, I don't recall what it is."
"You don't remember?" Yugi asked.
"I sense I had many titles at one point, but none of them come to mind."
Rain crossed her arms, looking at her spirit companion. "Weird. You remembered your name, (Y/N)."
"Not at first, I only managed to recall it when you asked me, Rain."
The male spirit looked at her. "How did you recall your name?"
(Y/N) closed her eyes, thinking back. "I didn't necessarily remember it in of itself. I heard a voice echoing in my ears, calling out to me, and the name they called was (Y/N)."
"And you're sure that it is your name?" Yugi asked.
She nodded. "When I heard it, I knew it instantly."
"What did the voice sound like?" The male spirit asked.
"They were familiar, achingly so. I wanted to reach out to them, but I couldn't. They were in pain and I wanted to comfort them. That voice..." (Y/N)'s eyes opened as she stared at the spirit. "It was your voice."
The male's eyes widened. "My voice?"
"I'm certain of it now. You were the one calling out my name."
The two spirits looking at each other as if trying to will their memories to return to them, at least so it would reveal their relationship.
Rain tapped her foot thinking. "According to the Spirit of the Ring, you two knew each other in the past, and since your mind corridors are connected, you were likely especially close."
"Maybe you're the keys to each other's memories." Yugi said.
"I don't deny having a pull to you." The male spirit said. "Perhaps you are the key to everything for me."
She smiled and nodded. "I'd be more than happy to assist, especially if it means that we both can remember who we are."
The two spirits looked at each other fondly, only for Rain to clear her throat.
"That's all well and good, but we still need to give him a name until we figure out what his real one is."
The male spirit pondered for a moment before looking at (Y/N). "My voice told you your name. What name would you call me?"
She blushed slightly before thinking. "I feel a pull towards...Yami."
He nodded. "Then Yami is what I shall be called."
Yugi smiled. "Well, Yami, I'm proud to call you my friend."
Yami nodded back. "Good, because I'm proud to be one."
The spirits returned to their respective items as Joey suddenly perked up.
"Oh! I just thought of something. All the boats have left. So how are we supposed to get off this island?"
They all shrieked as Rain laughed. "I'll bully Kaiba into giving you guys a ride. I'd offer you one, but you really don't want to be in the same vicinity as me and gramps when words start flying."
The boys immediately charged to catch up to the Kaiba brothers while the girls laughed, trailing behind. Bakura, suspiciously, stayed behind for a moment. Rain took notice.
"Do you think he's the thief?"
(Y/N) appeared beside her. "I think we should find that Ring as soon as possible."


Kaiba begrudgingly was convinced to take everyone home given they all lived in the same city. Yugi and Rain were left alone as everyone else loading in.
Yugi hugged her. "I really can't thank you enough, Rain."
She hugged back. "Of course! What are friends for?"
He let go and gave a concerned look. "Will I ever see you again?"
"You kidding? Like it or not, you and I are partners in destiny now. We still have to figure out who Yami and (Y/N) are. Plus," She smirked. "I don't think those two want to be apart for very long."
Yugi chuckled. "Yeah, they do seem really into each other."
"Exactly. Trust me, you'll be seeing us again sooner than you think."
"Rain! Either say goodbye to your boyfriend or I am leaving him at the mercy of your grandfather!" Kaiba yelled.
"Way to ruin the vibe, Kaiba!" She shouted back before looking at Yugi. "You should go. He doesn't make threats lightly."
"Right. I'll see you soon, Rain."
She smiled. "See you soon."
With that, he was off, leaving both vessel and spirit with an empty pang in their hearts. Not long after, Carter and the others arrived. Rain gave them some basic orders to look for the Ring and try to salvage the archive. When they left, Carter embraced his granddaughter.
"Are you hurt?"
"Did Pegasus do anything to you?"
"No gramps, me and (Y/N) are fine."
"Good." He then crossed his arms. "I told you this tournament was a mistake!"
Rain groaned. "Gramps..."
"I knew Pegasus was crazy, but using the Millennium Eye to steal souls!?"
"Who knows what would've happened if you two had dueled! I know you trust (Y/N), but have pity on this old man's heart!"
"When Samson warned me something was happening, I had comb the company tooth and nail to find all of the spies! I might not have been able to get to you if they had sprung their trap-,"
"Grandfather!" Rain finally snapped, getting the old man's attention. "The prophecy's started."
Carter blinked before getting a serious look. "Are you certain?"
"Samson must have told you about Yugi. He was exactly like me. Shadi even appeared and confirmed it. It's begun."
Carter rubbed his chin. "We'll need to tell the whole tribe. The whole world could be at risk. Where do we even start with this?"
Rain smiled. "For starters? I'd say moving and getting me a school transfer."


Weeks passed and besides a sudden duel with the grandchild of an old friend of Solomon's, life seemed to return to normal. However, Shadi's warning still hung in Yugi's head, just not as loudly as Rain's promise to see him again.
"You know, you can call her first." Joey teased as he saw Yugi lost in thought in homeroom.
Yugi snapped out of it. "Uh, wha-?"
The blonde smirked. "Rain. Come on, man, Mokuba gave you her number, just call her up!"
"J-Joey!" Yugi squeaked, blushing hard.
Tristan joined in. "He's right. Girls like a guy with confidence."
Tea sighed. "While I would never recommend listening to these two about women, I do admit Rain seems like the type who appreciates straightforwardness. You really should call her, Yugi."
The poor boy looked down at his lap, his face on fire. "F-fine, I'll call her after school, just to check in."
"Take your seats." The teachers demanded as she walked in. "Now, we have a new student joining us today. Please be respectful as she is foreign. Please come in and introduce yourself to the class."
A girl walked in and Yugi's eye widened.
Rain smiled in her usual manner. "Hi, my name is Rain (L/N). Nice to meet you."
"Welcome, Ms. (L/N). You can take a seat next to Mr Moto over there."
Rain didn't need to be told twice and strolled happily to her new seat, greeting Yugi with a smile.
"Hey there, stranger."
"Rain!" He said happily. "You're really here! You...transferred here?"
"Eh, if the end of the world is coming, might as well be nearby. Hope you get used to seeing my face around."
Tea, who was sitting behind her, hugged her from behind. "As if we'd get sick of it! Finally another girl in the group!"
"Welcome to the madness, Stormy." Joey greeted.
"Stormy?" Rain repeated.
"Hey, you can take it or leave it."
"Nah, I kinda like it."
She looked over and grinned at Yugi, who had a very soft expression on his face.
"Well, welcome to Domino City."
"Glad to be here."

Yes we're doing Kaiba Land and Duke's arcs. Also, I deliberately changed how Yami got his name because boy isn't supposed to remember anything.

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