(Beacon's Courtyard)

Team SSSN, ABRN, NDGO, Neon and Flynt, Ren, Nora, and eventually Weiss have united to fight against the jumbled forces of the White Fang, the Grimm (both old and fledglings), and the hacked Atlesian Knights. Not too far from them, Y/N and his small army of Shadow Wolves goes deeper into their attack against the Grimm horde, while Y/N take down some Atlesian Knights along the way. 

Y/N: ("There's no end to this...")

He then spots a nearby dark puddle that the Wyvern produce. Eyes widen and with no hesitation, Y/N jump forward and proceeds to slash and stab it with Grimm Slayer, but nothing happened to it. Instead, small droplets of the black substance begin falling off the blade, much to his frustration.

Y/N: ("Damn it!")

Immediately, a Boarbatusk ram him away from the dark puddle, sending him a few meters away. It goes for another spin attack, but the red-eyed Y/N just glare at it and with a mighty swing from Grimm Slayer, the boar-like Grimm is sending flying into several Grimm upon impact, killing a few of them. 

Y/N: ("Kill as many as I can. Make sure everyone else is alright.")

The battle is tiring as the assembled students begin to really falter after such a prolonged combat. Nora, Ren, Sun, and Neptune keep getting battered around by both Alpha Grimm and Paladins. Nadir has his shoulder crushed by a Creep and is about to be killed by only for the rest of Team BRNZ to swoop in with May shooting a shot at its head and Brawnz slashing it with his weapon, Claws. Nadir, on the ground, looks up to the team in front of him.

Nadir: "Thanks for the save."

Brawnz: "Don't mention it."

Their help alleviates some of the pressure on the other fighters but, it's only a little bit as more Grimm keep piling in. Eventually, they're push back towards retreating, but during a frontal assault on a Paladin, Sun is pushed aside by Neptune, who is impaled through the back of his spine by the Paladin's needle-like blade. After pulling back its blade, the Paladin then slam him into the ground, leaving him motionless. 

Sun: "Neptune!"

Before he can help his teammate, Sun has his legs stomped on by the Paladin's mechanical foot, holding him in place. It's about to impale him as well only for Weiss to see this and willing throw herself in front of the blade to save Sun. She raises her rapier defensively then closes her eyes and grits her teeth. A thud is heard as she slowly looks up and discovers that she unwittingly summoned the arm and sword of the Arma Gigas as it blocks the Paladin's needle-like blade. It then pushes the Paladin back before quickly cutting it in half. Weiss watch this unfold, stunned that she partly summons something.

Weiss: "I... I did it...?"

Sun doesn't have time to react to this, rushing to Neptune side. He checks his pulse and sigh in relief.

Sun: "H-He's still breathing! Oh, thank goodness."

Weiss is glad to hear this before turning to face the exhausted students before her.

Weiss: "Everyone! It's time that we retreat!"

But before any of them can speak up, another Paladin comes around the corner, more advanced than the previous one and begins to charge at them.

Weiss: "You have got to be kidding me."

(On Ironwood's Flagship)

Back at the stolen airship, the battle commences as Ruby performs a low swing, with Neo somersaulting over it, and ducking the next swing, before performing another backflip to dodge the third. Ruby then twirls Crescent Rose before attempting another low sweep, only for Neo to back-flip away from her consecutive twirls. Once Ruby finishes spinning her weapon, she lodges Crescent Rose on the hull and fires a shot, only for Neo to shatter in an illusion, revealing Roman as he fires a shot back with his cane, sending Ruby flying several feet, before she lodges Crescent Rose to safely grip herself from the surrounding gales, while Roman walks up to her.

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